The main COVID plan is exposed from insiders

The main COVID plan to lockdown the world has been exposed from a deep cover insider. I’ll be writing the plan out with my own comments. Quoted material from the article has a gray background.

I first found this post at and a backup at . Here’s Phase 1 which we are now completing.

Phase 1: The common cold/flu, or ailments with minor symptomology is used to lockdown a nation. A flawed testing system will be utilized to greatly embellish the threat. Mass media will be used in order to play on the fears of the public in order to gain compliance.

In the case of Covid case numbers there will be a variety of means to inflate the Covid count and these include the following steps:

  1. Double-counting
  2. Classifying as many deaths as possible as possible as Covid. Covid will often be accompanied by co-morbidity and this makes manipulating the case numbers much more attainable.
  3. Changing death certificates.
  4. Pay local health entities for all Covid diagnosis and remit federal payment at a much higher rate for reporting Covid deaths. 
  5. Use non-validated testing to increase the false positive Covid case numbers. 
  6. The death curve must be greatly exaggerated. The use of contraindicated medical practices can be brought to bear for this purpose. The approach must be institutuinalized in nature (e.g., critical care units, nursing homes, etc.)

We already have 1200+ cases of this fraud reported in the news, nicely listed here: .

Phase 2:   The culmination of the first phase will lead to the enhancement of failed immune systems through a lack of food, wearing masks which will compromise immune system functioning. Specific exposure to Vitamin D must be limited and this includes through the discouragement of the use of supplements and habitual exposure to sunlight. Introduction of artificial foods must be introduced in order to further compromise immune systems. Food shortages must be engineered to ensure the control of the population’s diet. 

We already see the exaggeration of a drought in many countries, including China (flooding in one part of the country, drought in another), southwest US. China has also reported huge amounts of grain surplus being moldy and unusable, but this is normal for any Communist country. The drought in the US is cyclical but will be exaggerated to manufacture a food shortage. A major meat processing plant in the US has already been attacked with a computer hack to implement the Green New Deal idea of no meat. (Meat animals use a lot more resources than growing plants for protein. Many meat animals were destroyed in WW2 UK for this reason. It was simply more efficient to eat plants, than eat meat. That does not mean I want to force people away from eating meat.)

Repetitive lockdowns must become an absolute staple of life. 

Exposure to 5G radiation will greatly impair immune system functioning. (5g has been rolled out in major US cities since at least 2018.) When people reappear in society, in between mandated lockdowns, immune system depletion will make subjects more likely to fall ill. (Their vaccines will also spread more spike proteins to make others sick.) Covid 19 will provide a convenient excuse for the greater rates of illness and mortality that will follow. This will further perpetuate the need for ever-increasing lockdowns. 

Vaccine compliance will become the dominant theme. If society is generally not compliant with taking the vaccines, longer lockdowns must be initiated until everyone takes the vaccine.

North Carolina already has people going door-to-door to pressure people to get vaxxed by an untested vaccine that is still in human trials. The vaccine has NOT been officially approved by the FDA despite what liberal media says, but they are working on it. The current vaccines in the US have EMERGENCY approval, that is not the same as a full approval.

There are many more examples of vaccine coercion here:

At this point, all media must be controlled. All social media will ban the accounts of any sign resistance to the vaccine. Text messages must be filtered. Cell phone communications will be censored through the introduction of identifiable key words. Any Covid 19 treatment, exclusive of vaccines, must be strictly prohibited. The assets and resources of our colleagues at the CDC and FDA must be brought to bear at this point.

This is being worked on and Biden just announced a concerted effort to ban all “misinformation” which does not follow the COVID or vaccine narrative. It will be a US national effort to ban and censor people. To get around this, be sure to register every one of your social media accounts with a different username and email. Some examples of the censorship plan getting bigger and more coordinated:

Phase 3:   Weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS/EBOLA SYMPTOMOLOGY will be introduced to the general population if there is a general resistance to the vaccine. Death curves will dramatically spike. 

The vaccine is especially deadly to people with chronic conditions like obesity, asthma, COPD, diabetes, high blood pressure. All of these make one more likely to die from COVID or the vaccine. These are called “comorbidities”. These people also have the greatest cost to gov’t funded programs. Thus, from a psychopathic accountant point of view, these people need to die first to relieve some of the economic stress. It makes logical sense from a psychopath point of view.

A “Return to normality” will become the dominant theme in order to crush any organized resistance. Vaccine resisters will be demonized by public officials. A public shaming program will be introduced in order to marginalize any formal resistance to the vaccines. Those that have taken the vaccine will be in a state of war with those who have not been fully vaccinated.

Biden is already claiming the unvaccinated are “killing people” in a video I saw. But the data shows that 40-60% of cases of COVID are coming from vaccinated people.

You can get more info on this here: 317+ examples of how bad the coronavirus vaccine is including studies, databases of adverse reactions for US and UK, doctor statements, articles and more.

And if you want to see more cases of vaccine magnetism, and studies on magnetic particles, SPIONS, ferritin and more, see this link: