Collecting suspicious behavior surrounding COVID-19, on many levels

Both COVID-19 (a coronavirus called SARS-COV-2 and SARS-nCOV-2) and malaria (a single-celled parasite) cause breathing problems in some patients by separating the iron molecule out of the hemoglobin in red blood cells. HCQ stops this process, that’s why it works on both. That’s also why Democrat governor’s banned HCQ where they could. They knew how COVID-19 worked and they knew how HCQ worked to treat it. People weren’t gasping for breath due to liquid in their lungs (called pneumonia), they were gasping for breath due to not having enough iron in their red blood cells to transport oxygen.

I find it very odd that both a virus and a parasite can do this same thing. I wonder who was doing research with malaria and coronaviruses.

The other odd thing is only liberal-controlled outlets, like CDC, WHO, the MSM, fake fact checking sites, are against using HCQ, which 100+ studies shows it works:

And if the mRNA vaccine is safe, why is there so much coercion behind it? See

And if the vaccine works for those who want it, why does everyone have to get it? If everyone must be coerced to get the vax, that means the vaccine really doesn’t work like advertised.

If the PCR test doesn’t work, and the inventor of the PCR test says it should not be used to detect COVID-19, why is it being used extensively? Studies show the COVID-19 PCR tests are highly inaccurate with an 80% error rate. It’s a new virus so it will take another year or more to create an accurate test. and

Let’s start out searching Pubmed for ‘malaria’ and ‘coronavirus’.

I get 336 results as I’m writing this.

Someone found a link between malaria and COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2).
Hussein MIH, Albashir AAD, Elawad OAMA, Homeida A. Malaria and COVID-19: unmasking their ties. Malar J. 2020 Dec 23;19(1):457. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-03541-w. PMID: 33357220; PMCID: PMC7755982.

But that study only mentions how one disease can be confused with the other.

Then we have this odd quote from another study: “The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2, have surpassed 5 million cases globally. Current models suggest that low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) will have a similar incidence but substantially lower mortality rate than high-income countries.”

So who has done research to get malaria functionality into a coronavirus? The mystery lingers.


A bit about malaria: