Trump’s lawyers hold a press conference today.

In short, there was massive and widespread fraud in key states and there are now hundreds of affadavits already collected of witnesses watching voter fraud.

In Michigan, Republican poll watchers were refused access to ballots.

Link to replay:

After investigating software on voting machines, it was found that Dominion software has the ability to change or throw away votes.

Here’s a map of which states use the Dominion voting software.

Software map

Jenna Ellis says “I would strike 99% of you from the jury, and I would be allowed to, because you provide fake news.” And she adds “We are a nation of rules, not rulers.” She also said at least 3x, “This is our opening statement.”

Sidney Powell: “Many Dominion employees have reached out to us to tell their story”.

Rudy Guiliani says “You (the press) are just lying to the people saying there’s not evidence (of voter fraud).” RG mentions national security, now it’s serious and mentions “iron curtain of censorship.” “Our role here is to do your job, because you (the press) don’t do it.”

Over to Sidney Powell: “Social media conspired to deprive us of our most basic rights to vote.”

Back to RG: “Michigan has big problems.” “What fake network do you come from?” “it\’s not our case, maam, do not lie to people.”