What do schools do with all that food they bought but cannot use?

More public schools are closing right now. Michigan was the more recent one to close schools until April 5, 2020. More colleges are closing in-person classes, and more and more sports events and gatherings are closing. But everyone panics and goes to the store at once, they carry the virus but don’t have symptoms, and end up spreading it to everyone at the store.

Public schools have bought a lot of food but there will be no people at the schools to eat it now so schools in Shelby, MI are preparing the food and will distribute it using the school busses, at every bus stop.

NEW: Godfrey Michigan public schools will be offering a sack breakfast and lunch for anyone, you do not have to have a child enrolled in school to get a meal. Meals are only for children.

NEW: This has a list of schools in Michigan providing free food. https://www.fox17online.com/news/local-news/michigan/food-being-provided-by-school-districts-across-west-michigan-during-unprecedented-closure