How can you avoid people but get groceries?

Walmart (perhaps not in every area) will do your shopping for you and you just drive, park in a special spot, and call them on your cell phone. They will bring your groceries out to you, if they have what you ordered. Pick up is free.

Meijer also has a shopping program. I’m not sure how it works but you order online and go to the store to pick it up.

You can have Walgreen’s ship your medication to you but it might take 4 days on a good day, longer if more people at the USPS are sick. Or you can pay for 2 day shipping in some cases. NOTE: having Walgreen’s ship a med that was refilled at the store near you is NOT the same as going through an online pharmacy. Online pharmacies can take 4 weeks or more to get the meds to you for a new prescription. can deliver groceries to your home. But you have to use a cell phone app to use the service. That means this will not work for nearly all seniors. There is a fee for this service. And you can specify alternative products in your order. You pay the Shipt prices, you will not see the store receipt.