Decentralized storage of files

If you want a way to store files on a blockchain these free sites might work for you.

  1. IPFS, Interplanetary File System. Uses block chain technology to hold files. Nodes can request a file to store locally to make it more available. Still in beta. DTube is based on this.
  2. LBRY. LBRY also has its own video hosting at LBRY is a secure, open, and community-run digital video streaming service. It supports markdown when you describe a video, but not comments at all yet. Enjoy the latest content from your favorite creators—as a user, not a product. Looks like content creators can get tips from users in the form of crypto tokens called LBC. App is for Windows, Linux, Mac, IOS, Android. You normally need an app to use this but the content is also on the web at Supported media formats you can upload (OGG Opus, Ogg Theora Vorbis, MP4, MP3, WAVE PCM, WEBM): When you publish each video, you must use a minimum of 0.00000001 LBC. is a way to store files on the LBRY network. Wiki at
  3. Safe network. Decentralizing the internet. Transfer Safecoin to any person without transaction fees. You can create and browse content anonymously free of charge. It stores your data forever if you choose.
  4. Sia coin. Distributed, private storage. You have to pay for renting space monthly in Sia coin.
  5. Storj. Peer-to-peer storage solution where contents are encrypted end-to-end and no one person has the whole file. It also has a token for storage providers. Minimum storage required to participate: 500GB. Your PC must be on 24/7. 9/2018: there is a working app but registrations are closed for now so new users are not allowed at this time. Read the docs first. No new registrations available right now. You must buy STORJ tokens in order to pay for storage used, and storage providers must also buy STORJ tokens to prove they are serious about providing storage.
  6. Upfiring. A token and storage management system, store files, get tokens, trade for cash. You also need ETH (etherium) to pay for gas.