Updated: 20230205-050448
Tags: masksdontwork
Found 44 lines with masksdontwork
- 2008-0819 Fauci knew in 2008 that masks cause more problems than they fix. He did the study! In 2020-2021 he continued to recommend masks, although inconsistently. 2008 STUDY: Bacterial pneumonia caused more deaths in 1918 than Spanish flu, probably from wearing masks. https://wordsalad.info/2020/12/1918-flu-autopsies-reveal-that-bacterial-pneumonia-caused-more-deaths-than-the-flu-itself/ and https://archive.ph/d2wC2 This site links to a paper on NIH website. French and German, and multiple papers reporting on autopsies conducted on influenza victims. From a pool of more than 2,000 publications that appeared between 1919 and 1929, the researchers identified 118 key autopsy series reports. In total, the autopsy series they reviewed represented 8,398 individual autopsies conducted in 15 countries. The published reports "clearly and consistently implicated secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory flora in most influenza fatalities," says Dr. Morens. "The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths," says co-author NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Official NIH News link: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/bacterial-pneumonia-caused-most-deaths-1918-influenza-pandemic The study, which Fauci is listed on: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18710327/
- 2012-0000 From 2012: Lawsuit in Canada started by Ontario Nurses Association says that masks don't work to stop the flu. Judge reviews studies and agrees masks cannot stop the flu. https://www.ona.org/wp-content/uploads/ona_kaplanarbitrationdecision_vaccinateormask_stmichaelsoha_20180906.pdf
- 2020-0411 Masks do not work from Denis Rancourt. https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=8&name=2020_04_11_masks_dont_work_a_review_of_science_relevant_to_covid_19_social_policy "The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle."
- 2020-0416 Yahoo news article: "Homemade masks cannot block or filter the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because it can easily flow through every common material people have at home." They knew early on that masks cannot stop viruses, then changed the narrative. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/making-masks-home-know-reduce-122022647.html and https://archive.ph/hohPc
- 2020-0713 Study: Fresh surgical masks don't block bacteria after 120 minutes, and viruses are much smaller than bacteria. Surgical masks don't block much of anything over a long period. https://www.ijic.info/article/view/10788
- 2020-0713 Study: Mask-wearing Asian countries have no less influenza than non-wearing Western countries. https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/en/2019-10-04-07-17-22/865-iasr/9288-477te.html
- 2020-1016 In 2020 a doctor uses vape smoke to show masks don't work. They don't seal around the edges, so it doesn't matter if the fabric stops microscopic aerosolized particles or not (it doesn't). https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=il-5HVmmMXE For the studies that show masks don't stop circulation of viruses go to https://wordsalad.info/tag-masksdontwork.html
- 2020-1024 Do masks prevent the spread of COVID-19? No. Study. "Outstanding", "size unique in the world" (n=6000) DANMASK Randomized Trial of masking vs. nonmasking for C19 prevention rejected "by 3 top journals" appears to be... Source: https://threader.app/thread/1319233804725342208 3 Journals will not publish it because it deviates from the narrative. Study appears to be in Danish: https://www.berlingske.dk/videnskab/professor-stort-dansk-maskestudie-afvist-af-tre-top-tidsskrifter
- 2020-1111 Senior Chief Biomedical Scientists: face masks cause more influenza than not wearing one. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9q9gizrObQtW/
- 2020-1119 STUDY: Masks do not help prevent spread of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19). Science does not support the use of masks. Very interesting graphs towards bottom of page. https://aapsonline.org/now-that-we-have-a-randomized-controlled-trial-rct-about-masks-will-it-change-what-you-do/ and https://archive.vn/pkEMK
- 2021-0116 Mask Harms Kids: 68% of Parents Report Alarming Psychological and Physical Problems In First-of-its-kind Study. https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/mask-harms-kids-68-parents-report-alarming-problems-first-its-kind-study-preprint1?utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%3A%20Mask%20Harms%20in%20Kids%3A%2068%25%20of%20Parents%20Report%20Alarming%20Psychological%20and%20Physical%20Problems%20In%20First-of-its-kind%20Study%20%28UmzESh%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIksydlhBeSIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJxaXVuYXZlcnNlQGdtYWlsLmNvbSJ9 Study: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-124394/v1
- 2021-0303 Data from the first registry to record children's experiences with masks show physical, psychological and behavioral issues including irritability, difficulty concentrating and impaired learning. (Study: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-124394/v2) Evidence from the U.K. shows schools are not the super spreaders health officials said they were; measured rates of infection in schools were the same as the community, not higher. (Study: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 and https://warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/pressreleases/new_research_finds_no_evidence_that_schools_are_playing_a_significant_role_in_driving_spread_of_the_covid-19_virus_in_the_community1) A large randomized controlled trial showed wearing masks does not reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/study-shows-how-masks-are-harming-children/
- 2021-0411 Masks, lockdowns do not work. Whitmer: "We Are Seeing Surge in MI Despite Strong Mask Mandates, Capacity Limits." Whitmer must admit that masks and lockdowns do not work, which is supported by science. https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/04/11/whitmer-we-are-seeing-surge-in-mi-despite-strong-mask-mandates-capacity-limits/
- 2021-0423 STUDY: Limiting the capacity of bars and restaurants does NOTHING to cut the risk of catching COVID-19, new research claims. Massachusetts Institute of Technology research says reducing capacity does not cut the risk of catching Covid in well-ventilated indoor spaces. Professors Martin Bazant and John Bush from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology say the 'six foot rule' that encourages people to socially distance in public has no solid basis in science. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9505803/Risk-COVID-19-indoors-6-feet-60-feet-apart-wearing-mask.html The study in PNAS: https://www.pnas.org/content/118/17/e2018995118
- 2021-0519 10yo US boy stands up against the unscientific mask mandate. Studies show that masks do not stop the spread of flu and viruses, but do reduce the spread of bacteria, which are far larger than viruses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zaNidSzv6E
- 2021-0519 Target employee refuses to wear a mask because there is no scientific basis for it. There IS no scientific basis showing that masks reduce the infection rate of a virus, in fact, studies show masks do not reduce the infection rate for influenza (a virus). The Target manager directed the woman in question to go home and advised she was being terminated. Within 24 hours she was contacted at home and called back into work. The mask requirement was dropped. Apparently, somebody at Target's legal department knew the name Tom Rentz and had bothered to check the law. https://andmagazine.com/talk/2021/05/19/the-shot-heard-round-the-world/
- 2021-0711 South Korea has reported 3 of its 4 highest case totals the past 3 days, despite 99% mask compliance. Are we done pretending yet? How much longer are we going to keep pretending masks work & forcing them on kids to protect the egos and self-righteousness of incompetent adults? https://twitter.com/ianmSC/status/1413972402745212930
- 2021-0726 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/47-studies-confirm-inefectiveness-of-masks-for-covid-and-32-more-confirm-their-negative-health-effects
- 2021-0809 Indiana doctor says CDC is doing everything contrary to science. He says: flu spread on aerosol particles, small enough to go through every mask. https://streamable.com/wqf3gt (censored)
- 2021-0813 Another reason why masks don't work. People don't wear them right. https://gab.com/THORISIS/posts/106748752984428914
- 2021-0819 Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sues Jackson County over mask mandate. https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article253617753.html
- 2021-0819 Texas. Lawsuit filed on behalf of 14 children claims Gov. Abbott's mask mandate ban violates ADA. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2021/08/19/lawsuit-filed-on-behalf-of-14-children-claims-gov--abbott-s-mask-mandate-ban-violates-ada
- 2021-0821 A man who is suing the Biden administration over mask mandates dropped a 1,500-page response to officials' attempts to dismiss the lawsuit. https://www.businessinsider.com/mask-mandate-lucas-wall-lawsuit-biden-administration-cdc-2021-8
- 2021-0903 Suit challenges Pennsylvania's new mask mandate for schools even after scientists pronounce we have reached herd immunity and studies clearly show masks cannot stop a virus. https://apnews.com/article/health-education-pennsylvania-coronavirus-pandemic-759c2814c935e83486c0c02716157c52
- 2021-0910 Second lawsuit filed challenging Pennsylvania school mask mandate. Pennsylvania ignores science about masks and viruses. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/second-lawsuit-filed-challenging-pennsylvania-school-mask-mandate/article_25c726f2-124f-11ec-ba09-3319fd8878b9.html
- 2021-0921 Michigan. Parent group sues Ottawa County over K-6 mask mandate, GOP lawmakers throw support behind lawsuit. https://www.hollandsentinel.com/story/news/politics/government/2021/09/21/ottawa-county-sued-over-k-6-mask-mandate/5798348001/
- 2021-0922 Wyomissing parents part of a lawsuit against Pa. school mask requirement. The father says civil rights are being violated. There are at least two suits have been filed against the Wolf administration's order. https://www.readingeagle.com/2021/09/22/school-mask-mandate-lawsuits/
- 2021-1109 Masked-Up California Reporting 4x More Daily Cases than Florida proving that masks make more things worse. Fauci knew masks make things worse, he did the study where he found more people died of bacterial pneumonia than the Spanish Flu, from wearing masks. Masks do not work to stop the very tiny flu virus, and this is supported by studies. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/09/masked-up-california-reporting-4x-more-daily-cases-florida/
- 2021-1210 Police in Australia beat men who don't wear face masks, much like the Gestapo of Nazi Germany. https://twitter.com/OzraeliAvi/status/1469243903186333696
- 2022-0111 STUDY: New study says air knocks down COVID-19 infection rate by 90 percent Researchers in the U.K. studied the infectivity rate of COVID-19 over the course of 20 minutes and found a decrease almost immediately after the virus became airborne. New research found that after COVID-19 becomes airborne, the virus loses infectivity by 50 to 60 percent within seconds. By the first two minutes, the infectivity rate of COVID-19 dropped further by 90 percent. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/589262-new-study-says-air-knocks-down-covid-19 Study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.08.22268944v1.full.pdf The Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity with Changes in Aerosol Microenvironment. Henry P. Oswin, Allen E. Haddrell, Mara Otero-Fernandez, Jamie F.S. Mann, Tristan A. Cogan, Tom Hilditch, Jianghan Tian, Dan Hardy, Darryl J. Hill, Adam Finn, Andrew D. Davidson, and Jonathan P. Reid.
- 2022-0225 CDC eases masking recommendations for 70% of country, including inside schools. CDC admits its methodology was flawed when recommending masks. "The new recommendations are a major change in how the federal government is approaching pandemic guidance. Under previous rules, the CDC primarily considered COVID-19 case counts to determine risk. And because case counts remained high, the public health agency had stuck to its recommendation of indoor masking, including inside schools." Studies show masks do not stop a virus nor the flu virus in particular as the aerosol particles are too small to be stopped by a mask. Even the CDC ignores studies for its convenience, not for science. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/cdc-ease-masking-recommendations-70-180000173.html and https://web.archive.org/web/20220512191652/https://www.yahoo.com/gma/cdc-ease-masking-recommendations-70-180000173.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93b3Jkc2FsYWQuaW5mby8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEFgZDzMkMOy-RGK1hrm5UPt_2Mz93WZq6s3mo7Bi2tgy73awyhdwj8rbWG3-eVyz8j8w7-TmQUP_g8Pa6mBjWgt8pPiTORR0MTszKeDee3Im3y2DNfCm0GUc7gPpGQXTfO7JEuUsl1KVZb-c_VPRpi0i4Rb3zZgVaq6otZ_K1qt
- 2022-0411 An actual photo of a coronavirus going through surgical mask fibers. https://imgur.com/3oJQ2Us
- 2022-0620 Fauci could not make up his mind about what narrative to push and flip flopped on masks policy several times during the pandemic. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/dr-fauci-indoor-setting-wear-mask-even-though-whole-world-including-us-uk-worn-tired-video/
- 2022-0708 New York requires indoor masks to spread more bacterial pneumonia in already immuno-compromised vaccinated people. New York City health officials told New Yorkers to "wear a high-quality mask, such as an N95, KN95 or KF94 in all public indoor settings and around crowds outside." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/go-nyc-indoor-mask-advisory-back-health-officials-tell-new-yorkers-wear-n95-masks-indoors-around-crowds-outside/ As a side note, masks do not work to stop or slow the spread of flu viruses, the studies are clear on this. See http://wordsalad.info/tag-masksdontwork.html
- 2022-0809 Expert Stephen Petty testifies that masks cannot stop viruses. Graph shows that when masks were mandated, infection numbers increased greatly. https://metatron.substack.com/p/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2 and Stephen Petty podcasts: https://rumble.com/c/PettyPodcasts
- 2022-0811 CDC guide to masks. Check counties for mask requirements, or find a free mask (N95) near you. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html
- 2022-0830 Confirmed: New Study Reveals Disposable Face Masks Contain Four Times the Acceptable Carcinogen Exposure Levels. The study found that the TiO2 levels exceeded the acceptable exposure level by four times or more. Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/confirmed-new-study-reveals-disposable-face-masks-contain-four-times-acceptable-carcinogen-exposure-levels/ Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35169246/
- 2022-0831 Lawsuits against anti-science mask mandates pile up. With links to studies showing masks do not stop a virus. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/lawsuits-against-mask-mandates
- 2022-0831 Lawsuits against anti-science mask mandates pile up. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/lawsuits-against-mask-mandates?sd=pf
- 2022-0907 News about COVID-19, the vaccine, how it affects people, how the spike protein damages people, with links to studies. https://sciencenews22.substack.com
- 2022-0911 Mask pore size vs the coronavirus. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/mask-pore-size-and-the-size-of-coronavirus?sd=pf
- 2022-0913 Crazy masks I found. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/crazy-masks-i-found
- 2022-0925 Our survey about mandatory vaccines and masks is over. See the results here. One person still believes that a mask can stop a virus. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/our-own-vaccine-poll-we-want-your
- 2022-1107 The narrative that we didn't have COVID cures and masking worked was completely false. Here are the studies to back that up. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/what-did-we-know-and-when-did-we