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# Blurb
Your one stop page for bug in tips. New tips on being quarantined or bugging in at your home. Lots of tips on food, heat, generator power, 5 gallon bucket ideas, packing list, make a clean room, generating power from Peltier elements and heat, and much more from experienced users. This will save you many hours of research, or just learn some new tips. Use this link:
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These tips were tested by me over 30 years during camping and power
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3 Foundational ideas
This file assumes no one is coming to save you. No one. You are on
your own, your knowledge and experience is the most valuable thing you
can have at this point.
Having a positive "can do" attitude is important. Do not fall into
the depression black hole. Attitude is the foundation for everything
else. Focus on the positive, not the negative.
Never rely on a store for your food, or on someone else to take care
of you, especially the government. Be self-reliant.
Always have equipment ready, repaired, cleaned, possibly refilled
and tested before you need it.
Preventing injury is very important. A bad infection, untreated, can
maim or kill.
Remaining calm is also important.
Working as a team to get all necessary work done is important, this
cannot happen if people have lost their minds or panic.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. So if the worst happens,
you are covered.
Remember, test any equipment thoroughly at home before you need it,
to make sure it works under all conditions, from well below
freezing to 112F degrees.
Rotate food and water supplies every so often.
Save glass jars with screw on lids, they can be very handy later for
storing food, etc.
Buy equipment that you will enjoy using, and food that you will
actually eat.
4 When the power goes out
Notes on what happens with the power goes out in a wide area for more
than 3 days, for example.
Even if you have a gas furnace your blower will not work. There will
be no heat. Natural gas pumping stations may also fail shortly.
City water towers will not refill with water, and your electric well
water pump will not work.
No one to fix power infrastructure so power goes out.
No power to pump gas for trucks to bring in food and supplies.
There will be no electric refrigeration.
No clean water.
There will be plenty of chaos and fear. People will be hungry and
thirsty and begin stealing and robbing. Desperate people do deserpate
things. Animals will no longer care about the law.
No electric lights.
5 Overview of the 3 basics
The 3 basic needs in a no-power situation are, in order of need:
water (for drinking and washing), fire (for heat and cooking), food.
5.1 Water
A person can survive only about 7 days without water. But that does
not mean they can walk and do chores all those 7 days as the body gets
weaker and weeker without water. The body needs water to do bodily
processes, which also includes warding off disease. Without a good
supply of drinking (potable) water a person can die. Water is critical
to bodily processes and survival. New water filters do not need to be
cleaned, a rinsing will do just fine.
Learn to use water filters and the different types.
Some of the microbes in unfiltered water that can make you sick are:
viruses (the smallest of the critters), bacteria, protozoa (like
giardia), and the cyst form of some protozoans which will hatch inside
First, "filtered" water does not mean "potable" (drinkable) or
"purified" (drinkable) water. Your water filter from your faucet will
not remove bacteria or viruses! The kitchen faucet filters and Brita
filters are only designed to remove the bad chlorine taste from city
water, nothing else. However the word "filter" is often used to
indicate water that is safe to drink. Technically, only "potable" water
is safe to drink.
Get the more expensive camping filters, not the cheaper kitchen
filters, your health depends on it.
WARNING: Most general purpose filters will not filter out all chemical contaminants.
You are still at risk for being poisoned by these. Some filters
will filter out only SOME of a given chemical, but not all of it. This applies to filtering urine also. I do not recommend you drink your urine.
5.1.1 On activated carbon
Carbon filters are not just any carbon, they are activated carbon.
That is, the carbon is specially treated with a high heat, high pressure
steam process that cannot be replicated at home. However, charcoal from
a fire might work slightly in a pinch. But it's up to you if you want to
bet your life on it.
Activated carbon filters have 1000% more tiny pores than regular
charcoal and that's how they trap contaminants. Once these pores are
full the filtering ability is greatly reduced and you must get new
carbon. Check on Youtube.com for information on what activated carbon is
and how it's made.
Activated charcoal can be found in pet shops that sell aquarium
carbon for aquarium filters, and several other places. Rinse this
activated charcoal well before using it to filter drinking water.
However, on a show called Rough Science, they did use normal
carbonized wood to make a water filter. They showed it filtering food
coloring out of water. But use at your own risk.
5.2 Fire
Fire can be used to keep a person warm. If their body temperature
goes down too low they can suffer from hypothermia. Symptoms of
hypothermia include hallucinating, feeling numb, feeling burning hot and
taking off their clothing, and it can eventually lead to death.
Fire can also be used for cooking, which is important to kill any
microorganisms on any food the person might eat. Prevention is
Fire will be addressed in detail in another section.
5.3 Food
A person can live about 4 weeks without food, but that doesn't imply
they will be walking around all 4 weeks. For most people after 3-5 days
they will have a hard time walking around. Some will be able to walk a
bit longer. Lack of food, especially vitamins, also means a person is
more susceptible to disease.
There are different kinds of food you can bring with you, like MREs
or dehydrated meals, and food you can gather in the wild. These are
beyond the scope of this document. Just be sure to cook your food well
to kill any pathogens in it.
7 Water
Be careful when using different methods to purify water. Know the limits
of each method. For example,
iodine does not work as well with cold water, or to kill cysts of parasites like cryptosporidium.
7.1 What is filtering vs
A water "filter" does not make water fit to drink, only purifying
water kills or removes the microbes that will make you sick. Typical
table-top water filters which only have a carbon filter will NOT remove
pathogens from water and will not make it safe to drink.
7.2 Cleaning water purifiers
You must clean the water purifiers sometimes, refer to the
instructions for your filter on how to do this. With Berkey ceramic
filter elements you take the filter elements out of the filter, and
scrub the elements with a clean plastic scrubbing pad to remove the very
top layer of pores that are clogged up, thus revealing a new set of
unclogged pores. Soap is optional. If you use soap to clean the
elements, make sure to rinse them well and remove all soap.
7.3 Prefilters
A prefilter will remove some of the physical debris from the water so
it won't clog up your filter element as often, and your filter element
will not need to be cleaned as often. If your filter is taking a longer
time to filter water, the elements may be clogged and need cleaning.
Usually a plastic brush can clean them off if you can access the
A prefilter can be as simple as a clean sock, or clean nylon poncho,
something that will let water through and only let mininal silt through.
A coffee filter should work in a pinch. You can also get sock filters on
Amazon or Ebay with a certain pore size, but small pore sizes will
certainly dirty up faster and require cleaning more often. Silt may make
your water taste bad but it won't hurt you. The other bugs can make you
so sick you may not be able to move for 2-3 weeks, but everyone is
7.4 Gravity filters
I like gravity filters because you can put it somewhere, fill it with
water, and forget it. It will do its job automatically without
additional work from you.
There are many price points for gravity filters. Choose one that
works for you.
Berkey filters are one of the best water filters and can use 1-4
ceramic filter elements depending on the model. The filter elements are
ceramic and have tiny ports so they will not let bacteria through. Some
filters have smaller pores and will prevent viruses from getting past
the filter. It works by pouring water in a top bucket with the ceramic
filters in it, the water goes through the filters and goes into a
plastic straw in the bottom of the filter, which then pokes through the
bottom of the top container, to drain into a bottom container with a
spigot. But watch yours seals around the filter elements. It only takes
one drop of unfiltered water to make you sick. Sometimes giardia can
make you so sick you cannot help yourself, so prevention, and attention
to detail is key.
With more elements the Berkey can filter more water per hour.
Berkey filter elements can last for 10,000 gallons thus the water is
cheapest per gallon with a Berkey, but the initial cost is more, about
$350usd or so. There are other, cheaper gravity water filters out there
which use a bag to put the "dirty" water in and the potable water comes
out a hose after the filter element.
Check Amazon for Berkey water filters, or similar designs. There are
other sites that sell this, but if there is a rush on filters you may
not find a single one for sale, so get one now.
WARNING: ceramic filters are designed to filter out particulate matter, like bacteria,
but not chemicals. They will filter out bacteria and large viruses, but their filtering ability is limited for chemicals. Do not filter your urine, drink it, and expect things to go well. This can lead to kidney failure and death.
Above: Big Berkey water filter. Big Berkeys come in several sizes.
7.5 Pump filters
Pump filters work fine but require a person to pump the water through
the filters. There are several brands of pump filters sold in camping
stores. Most have a prefilter attached to a hose that you put in the
unfiltered source water.
7.6 Straw filters aka survival
Straw filters are small filters which often need a sucking action to
pull water through tiny pores in the filter. Some of them can act as
small gravity filters. But these may be limited to filtering just 100
gallons or even less before they need to be replaced.
This is when you use a clear bottle and put it in the sun to kill
pathogens. This is most useful in hot sunny climates or seasons. This
can be useful if you are close enough to the equator, or you get lots of
sunlight, and you can be guaranteed the water temperature gets hot
enough to kill pathogens, otherwise they are not useful in some cases,
like in the winter.
Put the wax device in the water with wax in the top. If the
temperature rises enough, the wax will melt and flow to the bottom of
the tube. Your water is now safe to drink.
Above: Here's a device to tell you when
water has reached a pasteurized temperature using the sun.
Boiling water is very effective and easy to do. Follow these steps
Pre-filter water as best as you can to remove chunky bits. You can
use a clean sock, clean tshirt, clean nylon fabric from a coat, a clean
towel, or something similar. A coffee filter would work but can clog up
quickly and take a long time to filter much water.
Bring the water to a boil. Now boil for 5-10 minutes. Make sure you
understand the difference between simmer, fast simmer, and boiling! They
are not the same.
Let water cool.
While it might have silt or cloudiness in it, and it might taste bad,
the water is now safe to drink.
7.9 Distillation
You can set up a homemade still whereby you boil the water, and
condense the steam into 100% pure H2O. This is the only way
to get rid of chemicals in the water. The water that condenses is 100%
H2O and contains no minerals or other chemicals.
Above: One type of simple water still.
The blue water jug really should be in a pan or bucket of cool water to
enhance distillation.Above: A solar still condenses water
vapor from the ground into fresh water.
7.10 Iodine tablets
These work by putting an iodine compound in the water to kill nasty
bugs in it. But some bugs, and forms of bugs, are resistant to iodine
These work fine but they take longer to work in cold weather, and
take even longer to work to kill cysts, which is a hibernating form of
some protozoans which can make you very sick, even kill you. The shell
of the cyst is tough so it takes even longer to make the water safe.
7.11 Water sources
Purify all water first to make it safe to drink.
If you are bugging in, you can drain water from your hot water
heater, but make sure you purify the water before drinking it.
Legionnaires Disease can grow in water that is cool enough, like when a
person turns down the heat of their water heater to save money. LD can
be fatal! For more info see this search: What
is legionnaires disease.
Rain from barrels. (Could have bird feces, algae, or mosquitoes in
them. Always boil this water.)
Clean lakes and streams (not in the city).
Melted snow.
8 Fire
Fire needs 3 things to work: fuel, oxygen, and a spark, heat or flame
to start it. There are several sizes of fuel used when starting a fire,
from small (tinder), a little larger (kindling) and regular (normal
chopped logs and bigger branches).
To start a fire, gather your item to make a flame or spark, like a
lighter, and some tinder. Gather some kindling, which is small wood,
like pencil width or smaller. Make sure the wood is very dry. Gather
larger fuel like thumb width, and higher, set that aside.
8.1 Locate your fire
Avoid putting your fire outside under a tree, especially pine trees.
Pine trees are VERY flammable, especially when they are dry.
Locate your fire in a clearing. Remove all plants from the area for
a 5 ft radius and reveal dirt.
Leave nothing flammable within 5 ft of a fire. Remove all leaves,
pine needles, sticks, paper, tents, etc from this area.
You can use a Dakota fire hole if you want. You can search for that
on the internet. It releases less smoke and focuses the heat of the
Above: Dakota fire hole side
For a simple Dakota fire hole you can just dig a simple "V" shape
where the bottom of the "V" connects underground. Put your fuel in one
side, so air can go in the other side.
8.2 Tinder
Tinder is fine pieces of flammable material that catches fire easily.
There are many types of tinder which will start on fire easily. Keep
your tinder safe and dry in waterproof containers.
8.2.1 Tinder to catch sparks
Not everything will light when it catches a spark from a flint, but
here are some that work.
Use real cotton puffs with vaseline. Fake cotton puffs will
not always be reliable.
Fine magnesium shavings.
Dry paper towel. Works best with sparking fire starter, sometimes
called a "flint" but is actually "mischmetal".
Char cloth. This is easy to make from organic cloth like
100% cotton scraps. Do not use man-made fibers for this.
Soak beauty pads in wax.
Soak dental gauze in wax. These are cylindar shaped gauze. They also
work great for a nose bleed (if not dipped in wax). Example:
8.2.2 Tinder to light with a match
or flame
Various tinder or "fire starters" that get your fire going. For best
results, carry some with you in a waterproof box. Boxes
with a rubber or silicone seal work best. Rubber deteriorates over 4-5
years and silicone lasts much longer.
Use paper or cardboard dipped in wax. Junk mail works fine for
Dry bark shavings.
Dry pine needles. Pine has pitch in it and so it will catch fire
more easily.
Pine pitch. This is the dry chunky stuff that is near a tree wound.
The sticky sap might also work.
Corn chips or Doritos. These have oil on them and burn well.
Wood shavings. Make sure these are dry.
Fatwood. This is a type of wood taken from the base of a pine tree
which is saturated with pine resen more than other pines. It grows
mainly in the southern US but other pitch pines might be able to be used
in other areas of the US. Make it into thin shavings or feather
Feather stick. Take a dry piece of wood, carve thin shavings out of
it without disconnecting the shavings from the stick. Use this for
Very dry moss or lichen.
Twine or cotton string covered with pitch or wax.
Birthday candle. It's small and portable and light and it has wax on
it which will help things burn.
Alcohol sanitizing gel.
Firestarters made from dryer lint or a cotton ball dipped in
Carboard dipped in wax. Even waxed food cartons like from milk, nut
milks, soups in a box, wine in a box, boxed water, juice in a box,
Waxed paper, like from food.
Paper towel, paper, can labels, kleenex, toilet paper (aka bog
roll), etc. Paper towel works great for catching a spark from an old
lighter with no more fuel.
Oil-based fire gels. These burn a long time so can be helpful when
lighting damp wood.
Above: Feather stick
8.2.3 Fire helpers
Fire helpers help you get a fire started in less than ideal
conditions. Some of these are dangerous, gasoline is explosive! Use with
extreme care! These can help if you only have wet tinder and wood to
work with.
Alcohol (90% or better)
Liquor, 160 proof (80%) or better.
Kerosene, lighter fluid, diesel fuel.
Anything flammable like carburator cleaner, hairspray, sanitizing
(alcohol) gel at least 80% alcohol.
Waxed paper, from gum, food, or another source, also burns
BBQ starter fluid.
DO NOT use gasoline, it's explosive!
Lighter fluid.
8.3 Sparks, heat or flame
There are many devices to create a spark or flame. Here are just a
Lighter with lighter fluid. Do not depend on cheap
or Chinese lighters. Lighters can use lighter fluid, butane, or even be
electric and recharged by a USB port. (Some USB lighters use a heating
element, some use a high-voltage spark to make heat. The latter are
called "plasma lighters".) The "hurricane proof" USB lighters use a
battery to make a nichrome wire red hot.
Lighter out of lighter fluid. A lighter that just
makes sparks can still be useful if you have the right tinder, like a
paper towel.
Plasma lighter. A plasma lighter runs on a batter
and makes a purplish line of plasma. The down side is the battery must
be charged from time to time. And different styles may make it hard to
reach inside a pile of tinder. However they are wind proof.
Matches. Make sure to cover 90%-100% of the match,
including the match head, in wax so they are waterproof and put them in
a sturdy, sealed container. They also make waterproof matches which will
burn when wet and in the rain.
Magnifying glass (may not work on cloudy days or in
winter). And plastic lenses may have more problems. Test this at home
under bad conditions before you rely on it. These work best on sunny
days when more solar energy reaches the earth. That is, they will not
work well on cloudy or overcast days.
Flint and steel. This is not the flint rock, this
is the man-made black rod also known as "mischmetal".
Glycerine and potassium permanganate (find PP at
water softener stores). When combined it creates flames. Use outdoors
A battery of at least 3 volts or more, and steel
wool. Make sure steel wool is dry and battery is good. 2 AA batteries in
series also product 3vdc and will likely work, as will a lithium battery
which makes at least 3vdc. Some people have started a fire with a 1.5v
battery if the conditions and tinder are excellent.
Fire piston. This uses pressure to ignite a small
piece of tinder on the end of it. These can be wood, plastic, or
sometimes metal and when used properly, they really do work!
Above: Mischmetal, aka "flint" and steel
strikerAbove: A plasma lighter with 2 "lines" of
plasma. This type uses a rechargeable battery.
There are other ways to start a fire like with a fire drill or fire
bow but these are not covered here.
Always have 2 ways to start fire. You will need one as a backup.
Above: Lemon battery trying to start a
fire. A battery requires 2 different metals to work. The 2 different
metals used in this image appear to be zinc nails and brass.
"Galvanized" nails are coated in zinc.
To find the best materials to use in a battery do a search for
"galvanic table" or "galvanic series table". The 2 materials with the
biggest difference will be the best, but will also corrode the fastest.
Example see this table: https://www.engineeringclicks.com/galvanic-series/
On the galvanic series table choose one material from the top of the
chart and one material near the bottom of the chart. Yes you can use 2
materials with negative galvanic values, they will just make a lower
voltage per cell.
To make your own battery and increase the voltage of all the cells,
wire the cells in "series". That is, wire the plus wire, to the
negative, to the plus, to the negative, etc.
8.4 Kindling
Here are examples that make good kindling.
Kindling is smaller sticks, about half the width of an adult finger,
to finger width.
Dry pine cones. Pine cones, and pine needles, have pine pitch in
them which is flammable.
Newspaper, rolled up. Be careful as this can put red hot ash
floating around in the air and start a fire.
8.5 Fuel
Fuel is just larger sticks to make the fire burn longer. You can also
use pine cones if you have lots of those. But the thicker the fuel, the
longer it will burn.
Try to find dry sticks on the ground first. If those are not dry
enough, use dead branches that are lower on the tree. If they break
easily, they are probably dry enough.
8.6 Start a fire, Bottom up
The bottom up method means you start with smaller, more flammable
stuff on the bottom of your pile, and put bigger stuff on top. The idea
is the flames will rise, and help larger pieces of wood over the flames
catch on fire. Let's assume you are in the woods. Start by clearing a 2
foot wide area of brush, leaves and dry grass. If you have to get rid of
grass, dig out a hole a few inches deep so the fire will not touch
nearby combustible grass.
WARNING: Dry pine needles are very flammable, keep them well away from
the fire, or use them as tinder. Do not make a fire under a tree as it
can ignite and start a forest fire.
Put down your tinder.
On top of the tinder, put your thin kindling. Do not put anything
else on the pile yet.
Light the tinder. When the fire gets going, add 1-2 pieces of wood
that are slightly larger than the kindling. Be careful not to put on too
much kindling that the fire doesn't get enough oxygen.
If the fire dims, blow on it in long, steady breaths to fan it up.
Turn away from the fire and smoke when inhaling again!
As the fire gets stronger, add 1-2 more slightly larger pieces of
wood. Do not add too much wood too fast or the fire will go out.
8.7 Cooking stoves, DIY
There are many types of stoves which one can make. There is the
rocket stove, an alcohol stove, and hobo stove for starters. A great
collection of DIY stoves with lots of info on fuels is here: http://zenstoves.net/. I
highly recommend it.
8.7.1 Hobo stove
This is one of the easiest ones to make at home and only requires a
metal can and tin snips to cut the metal. A Dremel tool can also be used
to cut the metal can. A drill is useful to drill air holes in it too. A
churchkey (used to punch holes in cans of punch) can also be used to
make the holes. Make sure to drill enough holes in the sides on the top
and bottom. Good air flow is required. These can use many fuels from
wood chips, to wood sticks, and pine cones, to coal, rolled up
cardboard, DIY paper bricks, or whatever is at hand.
These must be run outdoors as they produce smoke. A large metal
coffee can is great to make one of these. Other small items can be
stored inside the stove, but the stove will have a lot of soot. These
can also be made from cans from Walmart, or a larger metal camping cup
also at Walmart.
Other sources of metal parts to make a Hobo stove out of:
1 gallon paint can, even 1 quart paint can.
Metal silverware holder from Walmart or Ikea. You will need to drill
holes. A step bit works well for the larger holes.
Metal strainer in a cylindar shape. Actually, any metal strainer
would work as it has lots of holes.
Dollar Tree used to have skinny metal water bottles. I prefer metal
containers 16-32oz for a hobo stove.
Metal coffee can, or other metal can.
Stainless steel food storage bowls. These will work but tend to be
less tall than other containers.
Above: Small hobo stove made from one
canAbove: Metal camping cup from Walmart,
$4.97usd in 2020Above: Water bottles from Dollar Tree
look similar to this. You can use it as a pot if you cut the top
off.Above: Older US military camp stove kit
with canteen and cup.Above: Here's the IKEA silverware holder,
about $15usd. It already has holes in it for you. Similar ones from
China are $3usd.Above: Here's the stainless steel
silverware holder, you will need to drill holes in it.
8.7.2 Alcohol stoves
These do not work well in temperatures under 40F, but they are small,
light weight, compact, and produce enough heat to boil a pot of water.
Fuel is easy to find and not too expensive. These can be safely
run indoors.
Alcohol stoves can be used for heating or cooking, this section
covers cooking, a later section covers alcohol stove designs used for
heating indoors.
There are also commercial alcohol stoves made for boats. Alcohol is
safe to burn indoors. People use isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or methanol
(methylated spirits). For methanol look in the paint section of a big
box store. In the US we call the alcohol "methanol" or "denatured
alcohol", in Europe they might call that "meths" or "methylated
These can also be as simple as a tunafish can with alcohol dumped in
it and lit! Do not put your pan right on top of the can or the flames
will go out. Use a pot stand in this case.
Above: DIY soda can alcohol
stoveAbove: German-military-style alcohol
stove kit with pot. The burner itself is a Trangia style alcohol
NOTE: Alcohol can be stored for years and it won't go bad. Gasoline
can be stored for a while but must have additives put in it or it will
go bad in about 6 months. Alcohol is safe to burn indoors. Gasoline is
8.7.3 Pot stand, support or
Usually an alcohol stove needs a pot stand. These can be made with a
larger tin can with holes punched in them, and thick wire to hold the
pot. These wires must be metal, not plastic. And copper is too soft to
use as a support. Here are sources of wire to use:
Dollar Tree:
Shephard's hook. Bend the wire until it breaks or use sturdy wire
Handle of a strainer. This may require a good pair of wire cutters
or a grinder to cut.
Paper towel holder that is made of wire.
Fabric pegs
Tent pegs that are wire, not plastic.
Wire mesh. WARNING! Galvanized wire mesh has zinc on it and must be
thorougly burned OUTSIDE to remove the zinc. Zinc fumes are
Caution: Pot stands that are too light may blow over.
Dollar Tree paper towel
holder.Dollar Tree metal garden hook will need
to be straightened.Pot stand made from 3 parts, this one is
foldable.Pot stand made from stiff wire
mesh.Pot stand you can buy.
8.7.4 Rocket stove
These can be many sizes but they produce a lot of heat and little
smoke. Normally, wood is used as a fuel. Rocket stoves come in many
styles but the basic style is: a tall tube with an opening in the top,
and opening in the side of the bottom to insert fuel. These must be used
outside in a well ventilated area.
Above: One rocket stove style. It appears
this one can be taken apart easily and stored flat. However the steel
parts will make it heavier.Above: Rocket stove made from 2
cansAbove: Rocket stove made from cinder
8.7.5 Buddy burners
These are old fashioned tuna cans where people put in a roll of
cardboard, edge up, and pour wax over it. They make a lot of soot on
your pans but they do work. To protect your pots, cover the outside of
pots and pans with dish soap first, then use pots to cook over a buddy
Above: Buddy burner which goes back to
1950s girl scouts or even further.
8.7.6 Gelled alcohol
These are normally bought by most people but they can be made if you
are handy. One brand is called Sterno, and sometimes are sold in the
Dollar Tree in the US. They normally come with a cap which can put out
the flame so they can be reused later. They are also used for heating
pans and fondue.
Above: Sterno gelled alcohol can without
a wick, some come with a wick.
8.8 Solid fuel stoves
Solid fuel stoves can be handy. They can be quite small but you must
always buy the fuel from somewhere, or you can burn sticks in it. One
brand is Esbit.
Above: solid fuel stove under
8.9 Toilet paper stove
This was invented as a heater for an outdoor worksite but works fine
as a stove also.
Find a 1 pint empty paint can that is clean and has a tight-fitting
Find a toilet paper roll. Remove the cardboard center.
Squish the toilet paper roll inside the can.
Fill with alcohol at is at least 80% alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol and
methy alcohol (methanol) can be used. So can high proof liquor.
Add the top and seal tight.
When you use it, simply remove the top and light it. The toilet paper
will act as a wick for the alcohol and the alcohol will burn. To put it
out, put the lid back on tightly.
There are various propane stoves on the market, but you must make
sure to have a supply of propane to use it. Some use small propane
cylindars, some have a different connector and can be used with a larger
propane bottle.
The Coleman catelytic stove uses propane and it claims it's safe to
use indoors. I've used a propane heater on top of a 20lb propane tank to
heat my garage and never had a problem with CO2.
8.11 Metal colandar stove
Above: All metal colandar. These comes in
various styles.
8.12 Metal silverware holder
Above: all metal silverware holder
already has many holes in it. Aka "steel utensil holder".
8.13 Other interesting stoves and
Above: Pot holder made from hinges. This
style hinge only opens 3/4 of the way. This appears to be a "gate
hinge".Above: Some type of portable DIY
stoveAbove: Alcohol stove made from mint tin
and rock wool. You will need a stand for this to raise the pot up about
2 inches, pots should not be placed directly on top of this stove
because they will block air flow.Above: Some type of triangle stove,
probably commerical.Above: A Kelly Kettle is used to boil
water, which can be used to cook rice, pasta, etc. A similar design is
called the Ghillie Kettle.Above: "Flower" type metal vegetable
steamer. Use as a stove or wind screen. Open it part way for more
containment. Remove center handle.
8.14 Notes on stoves
You can make any type of stove with materials at hand as long as you
understand the basics. Make sure the stove is strong so it won't
collapse and make sure the fuel gets enough air to burn. Metal works
9 Food
There are many types of food one can store for long or short-term
power outages. The types are:
Canned food. Make sure to have lots of vegetables, you will need the
vitamins from them to prevent illness.
You can eat canned beans cold if you have to. Canned chickpeas might
be more numerous on the shelves and they have protein as well as
Freeze dried food requires safe water to cook it in.
Canned food can be opened and carefully heated in a can. Make sure
the food doesn't bubble over, which it will if it is too full and starts
to boil.
Look for local sources of berries or nuts, many of which are in
season for only a brief time. Cultivate and multiply them if you
Canned meat can last about 2-3 years in storage but my test was when
they did not use plastic liners in cans, so the metal tainted the meat
after 3 years.
Dry food that just needs boiling water to cook like pasta, rice, dry
beans. Can last 2 years in storage, more if you use oxygen absorbers in
a sealed bucket.
Dried fruit like apricots, raisens, etc.
Various kinds of nuts.
Freeze dried meals. You normally just add boiling water to these,
but they are usually super high in salt and are expensive. Can last 3-5
years in storage.
Dried meats like jerky. Will last about 1 year in storage in their
original container, longer if you put them in an O2 proof container with
oxygen absorbers.
Military MREs. I think their stated shelf life is 8-10 years. That
does mean they will taste good though. And they tend to be VERY short on
fiber. Add extra fiber yourself.
Crackers, chips, snacks for carbs.
Dried meats like jerky. There used to be dried chipped beef that
came in a jar and did not need refrigeration. I don't know if they sell
that anymore in the US.
Learn which wild plants you can safely eat. Some can be eaten raw,
some must be cooked to destroy the toxin in them.
Salt: You will get LOTS of salt from dried meats. Otherwise add your
own salt to dried beans and rice.
It's a good idea to store these in a sealed 5g bucket with oxygen
absorbers. When food absorbs oxygen, it can tasted quite bad, and give
you a stomach ache but other wise will not make you sick. Most plastics
will slowly allow O2 through it and O2 resistant plastics will cost
more. "Food grade" buckets are not O2 resistant, they are simply
Other types of food are beyond the scope of this document at this
Get a good book on local wild food you can eat, and how to prepare
it. You cannot eat all wild foods raw. Learn which ones you can eat raw,
and which ones you can cook. You cannot eat all the parts of a plant at
all times of year. Learn which parts you can eat and when.
9.1 On 5 gallon buckets
5 gallon buckets are durable and mouse-proof. They are not rat proof
or squirrel proof.
5g buckets can be sealed with screw-on lids. Buy those
"Air tight" buckets DO NOT mean O2 proof. Use oxygen absorbers in
the bucket, bought separately. Change O2 absorbers once a year (my
guess). Oxy absorbers change color when they no longer work. Read the
Look for "gamma seal" lids to seal your buckets. Right now a lid
alone is about $18usd on Ebay.
Look for glass jars with hinged lids and a rubber seal. They store
dry food better but can be pricey. Shop around. They come in a variety
of sizes, I've seen up to 2 quart jars. Buy extra seals and replace them
when they get cracked. Do not place seals in dish washer as the water is
too hot for them.
Containers that pump out the air do not work. Instead, spray a
non-reactive gas on top of the food to protect it from oxygen. One type
is a wine preserver spray, about $10usd per can. In my experiments with
wine, this spray works the best.
Pre-made survival food buckets are very expensive. You can make your
own for about half the price. Shop around.
Freeze dried food lasts in storage about 3-5 years but not much more
than that. It's also very expensive.
Dried beans and rice can provide a decent food in a pinch. But the
same flavor will soon get old.
Get various spices and sauces for your beans and rice, it gets
boring after a while.
10 Warmth and heat
Keeping warm in the winter can be critical to survive. Here we
explore various types of heat that are safe for use indoors in the home.
It's better to first dress in layers to preserve your body heat, then
add a bit of warmth.
10.1 Mr Heater propane heater
"Mr Heater" might be the product line while "Buddy" and "Big Buddy"
might the different products.
Above: The Buddy propane heater which
uses small propane bottles.
10.2 Butane lighters
There are some small butane lighters that are safe to run indoors but
they have little fuel, and will only heat a small space, like a tent
interior, not a room in a house. Since there is little fuel it may only
work 1-2 hours. And fuel can be relatively expensive compared to other
heating methods.
10.3 Kerosene heaters
These are much larger than a kerosene lamp. They come in a variety of
shapes. These work but can make your house smell like kerosene. Plus the
wick must be maintained. Plus old kerosene may not work after 2 years.
Some models you can cook on. Wicks should not be left in the unit when
the unit is in storage as the water from the kerosene can ruin the
Marine alcohol stoves are safe to use indoors on a boat or in a
house. They use methanol to burn. 90%+ Isopropyl alcohol might work in a
pinch. 70% isopropyl alcohol might work but you may damage the wick by
getting it soaked in water (70% IPA is 30% water). Get them from a boat
supply retailer or online.
For fuel, look for methanol (methylated spirits) in the paint
Above: Marine alcohol stoves come in many
shapes and sizes.
10.5 Alcohol stove for heating
This is a simple stove where you pour alcohol in a pan, like a
tunafish can, and put it on a fireproof surface, and put a baffle on it
so the heat does not set afire something over it. Alcohols to use:
Methanol (methylated spirits, find it in the paint aisle of your store
or at paint or hardware stores, 90% isopropyl alcohol or higher, YELLOW
bottle of HEET in automotive department. The yellow HEET might be
cheapest per oz. based on one Youtuber test.
You must use a shallow pan no higher than 3 inches to put alcohol
into. Fill the pan with 1" of alcohol, put it in another steel pan, and
light it. Do not allow anything flammable within 5 ft above the burning
Above: Tuna can alcohol heater with home
made metal baffle. Be sure to have enough holes in the baffle to allow
air flow.
WARNING: Aluminum has a low melting temperature and might melt under certain circumstances. Aluminum soda cans (which are thin) easily melt in a bonfire. Avoid using aluminum cans near fire and other heat sources. The thinner the metal the more easily it will melt.
Another alcohol stove:
Take 1 clean 1 quart paint can. They sell them new at major hardware
Squish a whole role of toilet paper. Now take out the cardboard
Squish the toilet paper again and push inside the 1 quart paint
When ready to use, fill with alcohol and light with a match. The TP
acts like a wick.
I don't know how long this would last. You can do some trial and
Use the paint can top to put out the flame. Put the top on tightly
for storage.
Above: TP alcohol stove.
10.6 More Alcohol heaters
NOTE: Alcohol is safe to burn indoors. Rubbing alcohol in the US is
normally isopropyl alcohol. You can also use methanol (methylated
spirits) to burn also. They all burn cleanly and in small spaces. I use
them myself.
You can take a non-flammable tin can, like an empty sterno can, pint
size paint can (clean) or 1 gallon paint can (clean), large fruit or
food can, large metal coffee can, even an all-metal cooking pot (with no
teflon or other liner).
Fill with non-cotton cotton balls or fiberglass insulation. A filler
of perlite might also work.
You can use metal mesh to keep the cotton balls in place if you
wish. You can get metal mesh from a dollar store metal mesh strainer, or
use woven fiberglass from a Bondo repair kit.
Then fill with 90% alcohol or higher.
Choose a can where the top WIDER so there will be more flame to
produce more heat.
Smaller cans will be useful not for heating a room, but perhaps for
heating a tent. A mint tin will work only a short time, maybe 1
Place the heater on a non-burning surface like a ceramic tile, on a
metal stove, on an iron fry pan, etc.
If you burn candles in your vented wood stove the heat will remain
inside your house while any smoke will go up the chimney. Open the stove
part way to let air in and heat out. But candles can produce soot on
surfaces above them so put something above the candles to catch the soot
so your oven doesn't get sooty.
Or you can find an old antique coal or kerosene heater and use that.
Make sure it's big enough to hold enough candles to actually generate
some useful heat.
The tealights only burn 1.5-2 hours so you will need lots of them for
24 hour heat. If they burn for 2 hours, and you burn 5 tealights at once
for heat, then you need to burn 12*5 for a 24 hour period, or 60
tealights! In a small room you may find you need less than 5 tealights
for night time.
In a pinch, put candles on your stove, with 3 bricks around them. Put
an all-metal pot over the candles on the bricks. The raised pot will let
air in so the candles can burn. Expect the inside of the pot to get
sooty. (You can use a dollar store pot here too if they still sell
them.) So line the pot with metal foil for easy cleanup. The pot should
not have any type of non-stick surface, or non-metal surface.
10.9 Natural gas stove
Natural gas stoves are safe to run indoors. I use one to heat my
kitchen in the winter. The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide they
produce is minimal.
10.10 Propane stove
Propane stoves can use small or larger bottles of propane. In the US
the connector for smaller bottles of propane (liquid propane gas) is
different than for the larger 20 pound bottles of propane. These are
often used for camping and can be found in camping stores.
10.11 Candle flowerpot heater
NOTE: I tried this with 3 tea candles and it did not heat the room.
Outdoor temperature during my test was 60F. Indoor temperature did not
change from 72F after candles burned for about 2.5 hours.
This is powered by candles and does not generate more heat than the
candles do. It merely concentrates the heat from the candles. Some
people really like them. It can generate more soot than alcohol does
when burned so asthmatics must be careful when using this one over the
long term. But the flower pots should catch most of the soot. Line the
flower pot with tin foil to make cleanup easy. But unless you get cheap
candles, they could be pricey to run 24/7.
You can also support the pot with 3 bricks, 3 mugs, or 3 glasses or
shot glasses.
The pot must be big enough to fit all candles under it.
Above: Flowerpot heater using
More designs of similar heaters:
Above: A candle carosel from a metal can.
The top is cut and bent like fan blades, and the can sits on a long
metal pin so the can will spin. The pin sits in an indent in the top of
the metal can.Above: Flowerpot heaters can also use an
alcohol or oil burner. Some have metal stands.
10.12 Wood stove
These can be installed in a house but can also double your house
insurance rates if you have a wood stove. They need to vent outside.
Wood stoves tend to make a lot of dust from tiny particles of ash
escaping the stove, and so they would be bad for people with asthma,
COPD, or other lung problems.
10.13 Disposable hand warmers
These are one-time use hand warmers, initially wrapped in plastic.
Once exposed to the air they generate heat for 6-10 hours. The smaller
ones you put in your shoes can last 6 hours, the larger pocket ones can
last up to 8-10 hours.
They work by using fine powedered iron along with salt. When moisture
in the air hits the mix, the iron powder rusts very fast, thus producing
Some people have made their own but before you use it, it must be
sealed in an airtight bag, and the iron and salt must be a VERY fine
10.14 Catalytic hand warmers
While these use lighter fluid, they do not use an open flame. An open
flame is used to heat the platinum to get the catalytic reaction started
and but the device doesn't run on an actual flame, the starting flame
goes out. Once started these get very hot.
Zippo makes one brand of these heaters. There are other brands and
Chinese knockoffs too. In reviews, the Chinese knockoffs don't work so
well as the catalytic "wick" uses platinum, and the Chinese put less
platinum in the wick to lower the cost.
Above: Catalytic warmers have a special
"wick" that is not meant to burn.
10.15 Charcoal stick hand
These are essentially a special charcoal in a pocket-sized case. They
can generate carbon dioxide so use caution when using indoors or in a
tent or hanging it around your neck or putting it in a shirt pocket
close to your face. Sticks can burn 8-9 hours once lit. However they can
be troublesome to light for inexperienced people.
Above: Charcoal stick warmer, an old
10.16 Electric hand warmers
These are charged by USB and can last 4-8 hours depending on their
size. Larger ones will have larger batteries which will give a longer
run time. Avoid the types that use AA batteries, as they will have a
short 1-2 hour run time.
Ones with a larger capacity battery can run 4-6 hours, sometimes
Above: USB charged hand
10.17 Other USB powered
There are lots of USB powered items on Amazon like a neck heater, an
electric scarf, electric hat, electric vest, electric socks, etc. Just
keep in mind you will need a source of power to recharge the powerbank
that keeps these going.
10.18 Gel warmers
These use a concentrated sodium acetate solution in them, and when
you snap a metal disk inside, a reaction takes place and the gel turns
into crystals but also creates heat in the process. The heat only lasts
about 10 minutes and to recharge these you need to boil them in water.
They may be practical for some people but not for others.
Not very practical, but fun as a science experiment.
Above: Gel heater, these only heat for
about 10 minutes.
10.19 More stove images
Used in many Asian countries.
Above: Rocket stove made with gravel as a
filler. See video below.Above: Commercial Asian wood stove for
cooking.Above: Flame arrestor.
10.20 More stove links
Similar to a rocket stove. Made from a paint can, with a larger food
can inside, and at the bottom a food can to let in air. Between the
paint can and internal food can is gravel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQyU4lokVe4
Use a sturdy shorter tin can, fill with unburnable stuff like
fiberglass, perlite, or rockwool, do not pack, fill with alcohol.
Candle stove. Note that candles will put lots of soot on your pans.
Put tinfoil on the bottom of your pan before using with candles. Alcohol
(methanol) burns much more cleanly.
Make a biodigester to make natural gas. Put only vegetable and fruit
waste into a sealed container with a hose coming out of it to a flame
arrestor. Put no meat or fats into the digester. Make sure temperature
is 70F-80F degrees so the bacteria will grow. In the flame arrestor,
fill it with water. The tube from the digester should be underwater near
the bottom of the arrestor. The output tube on the arrestor should be
above the waterline and goes to the cooking stove.
Find a cheap shallow pot. Fill with fiberglass, then with alcohol.
Put grill on top to use for cooking. Burning alcohol is safe for indoor
Use a Japanese hibachi or round-style grill.
Get an alcohol tea pot warmer. It's not good for cooking but will
keep heated water warm.
If the power goes out and you have no heat, make a tent from 3 poles.
Take 3-4 poles, put them all together in a bunch parallell to each
other. 2 inches from the top of the poles tie them tightly together with
rope, string, fishing line, or zip tie. Now spread out the legs and
cover the poles with a blanket. Put this ad hoc tent over the head area
of your sleeping bag to warm the air you breathe and reduce the chance
of getting a cold or sinus congestion.
Also use wool blankets, they are very warm.
Wear wool socks and a warm hat to retain heat.
Wear layers of clothing. Wear a tshirt first then a sweater on top
of that.
Use a cold weather sleeping bag on your bed. Get one for 0F or lower
11 Power
If the electricity goes out will you need power for something? You
should be prepared to live without power for 2 weeks at least. But
sometimes we want to get news of what is going on via a radio or
shortwave HAM radio set, and these need power.
In rural areas, where you don't have city water, your well pump needs
power or you will have no water. If you use city water, the pressure
might last 2-4 days but eventually the water tower will run out of water
if there is no power to replenish the water in the tower.
In this section we will explore various power options.
11.1 Generator, gas or diesel
Works well for a while until it runs out of gas.
Noisy and smelly. Must be used outside then you run a power cord
inside your house.
Uses gas. You must supply all your gas. When your gas runs out, so
does your power.
Fumes can be a serious hazard if the generator is placed
incorrectly. Never use in an attached garage, in a basement, or in the
11.2 USB Battery bank
Used mostly to power USB devices and recharge cell phones and
tablets. They eventually need to be recharged.
It is assumed this uses a Peltier element generate power from
A Biolite stove can be used to cook on
and to charge USB devices using the heat.
11.4 Solar panels/chargers
These are the smaller solar panels used to charge a battery bank or
something else via USB. They work best on very sunny days, almost not at
all on cloudy days. Performance is based on your latitude, higher
latitudes do not work as well, especially on cloudy days. But they work
well in the summer.
11.5 Solar panel systems
This includes a battery bank, or even a single battery, which is
charged by a solar panel.
Once you have the equipment, the power is free.
May charge VERY slowly on overcast or winter days, especially in
latitudes further from the equator.
Must be positioned towards the south (in the northern hemisphere) at
the correct angle to the ground for best efficiency. Example: At 44
degrees N latitude, the angle of the panel to the ground should be 44
The batteries don't last forever and will need to be replaced, all
at once, every 6-7 years or so, depending on the battery chemistry.
Some battery chemistries should not freeze or they stop
For great info and honest reviews on all things solar and battery,
find Will Prouse on https://Youtube.com.
11.6 Microhydro power
These are generators placed in a stream. But they may freeze up in
the winter. One might use a ram pump to pump water uphill, but a ram
pump wastes about 80% of the water. That waste water could be used to
turn a water wheel to generate a small amount of power.
If you turn a DC motor using water, wind, by hand, or any other
method, it will generate power. A similar type of generator is called a
"dynamo". Dynamos are sometimes added to bicycles to generate power for
headlights. You want a "brushed" DC motor.
The DC motor will have 2 connection points for wires. The polarity of
the wires will be different depending on which direction you are turning
the shaft.
Use a multi meter set on DC voltage, and turn the shaft in one
direction. If you get a negative voltage, your multimeter leads are
crossed. If you get a positive voltage, your multimeter leads are
pointing to the correct positive and negative connections when you
turn the shaft in that direction.
Above: DC motors come in a variety of
sizes and can generate a variety of current and voltages. This might be
a 775 DC motor.Above: Dynamo on a bicycle. This one does
not appear to touch the tire so it may not generate power.
There are many pages on how to make your own DC generator too.
Caution: Brushless motors often need a controller board to run and
are more difficult for the beginner to use. I don't know how they work
for generating power.
Some motors have a gearbox on them. If you get a gearbox that slows
down the motor when it's given power, then when you turn the shaft the
gearbox will increase the motor shaft speed, so this is what
you want for more voltage.
If you have a motor with a gearbox make sure the gears are metal or
they will not last long.
11.7.1 Sources of DC motors
A DC motor should have something to indicate it is a DC motor like
"12vdc" or just "dc" stamped on it. To make your own generator, find DC
motors in these items:
Crank flashlight.
Battery powered gadgets like a battery powered stirrer, fan, drill,
jig saw, etc.
Any battery powered motor.
Jogging machine/treadmill.
Computer printers. DC motors are used to move the print head back
and forth and to move the paper up.
Hard drives might have a small DC motor.
DVD drives have a tiny DC motor.
Battery powered toys like cars and trucks that move.
Battery powered drills and screwdrivers.
Computer fans or battery operated fans.
A hair dryer might use a DC motor for the fan.
A floor heater might also use a DC fan as a blower.
You can buy new or used DC motors on Ebay or Aliexpress.com. One
model is the 775 DC motor.
A phone vibrator also is a tiny DC motor but may be useless except
for proof of concept devices.
A small wind power kit for $5usd is also sold online for proof of
This isn't a generator at all, it's just a battery bank combined with
an invertor, a charge controller, and power outputs of various types.
But they are usually designed to hook a solar panel to for solar
Will Prouse has a forum and he does a lot of reviews of portable
solar "generators" and components for solar power including batteries.
He is highly recommended. https://diysolarforum.com/
Bathroom faucet with tiny DC generator. One might be able to charge
a small battery with this. Amazon.
11.9 Thermoelectrics and peltier
Peltier elements work by generating DC power through a
temperature difference between the 2 sides of the ceramic
element. The problem here is keeping the temperature difference high
enough to generate usable power over time. Thus many designs use a heat
sink on one side to cool it, and a candle on the other side to heat it.
But then the candle runs out.
These are also called TEG, for Thermo Electric Generator.
What if the heated side used a focused beam of sunlight from a lens?
It would only work during the day but might be less work and less cost
over all.
They work in the reverse also. If you apply DC power to the 2 wires,
one side will get hot the other will get cool.
Here are some DIY ideas to make your own phone charger. Your design
will need to include some type of voltage regulator that does not go
above 5vdc and should use a USB cable.
They sell voltage convertors online. Some have a range of voltages
you can give them, from 5v-12vdc or more. Their output also varies, and
in different models the output voltate can be set to be a specific
voltage. Some have different screw terminals for output along with
USB-A, or USB-C. Find one that works for you. If you hook a 12vdc car
battery to one of these set to output 5vdc with a USB-C output port, you
can charge your items.
Make sure to get a "DC to DC buck boost convertor" if you will be
using a 12vdc car battery as the power source. "Buck" means it takes the
voltage down, "boost" means it moves the voltage up. An adjustable one
is better.
You can also do a search for "usb-c variable buck boost
Above: This one can make the voltage
lower only, so it's called a "stepdown" or "buck" regulator. Inputs on
the left of the picture, outputs on the right.Above: adjustable power regulator with
variable input of 5-30vdc, output 0.5-30vdc. About $10usd on
Aliexpress.com.Above: DC-DC adjustable power regulator,
input 5v-27vdc 5.5mm jack, output USB-A and screw terminals 1v-24vdc.
Supplies 3amps max. About $11usd on Aliexpress.com.
12 Light
It's handy to have light when it gets dark. Light helps you to
continue to work, or read a book, or simply to keep from stubbing your
toe on something.
12.1 LED candles
These come in many sizes, do not generate heat, are safe if tipped
over by a child or cat, and use many different battery types. Some have
AUTO timers that reset each day. Ex: they turn on for 6 hours, turn off
for 18 hours, and turn on at the same time again the next day, repeating
forever. These also have an OFF setting, and always ON setting.
Some have remote controls. Some have colors that can be changed by a
remote. The brighter the light, the faster batteries will be used
Very safe, even if tipped over.
They do not generate heat.
They use little power so batteries can last a long time. However,
larger batteries last a longer time than smaller batteries in
Some flicker like a candle.
Some come in a golden white light, or yellow.
Some even look like a flickering torch.
They can use a wide variety of battery types.
Can be bought at dollar stores.
They use up batteries or the batteries must be recharged. If you are
handy you can make your own battery out of various materials and an
electrolyte, but a white LED requires about 3 volts of DC power.
Smaller batteries will not last as long. Use 1-2 D batteries for
longer run time. Or use 18650 batteries.
They make no heat.
12.2 LED lights, AC or DC
There are many other types of LED lights. Some are shaped like
lanterns, some like light bulbs which you can hang, some of which can be
charged by solar power, or use a headlamp shining into a jug of water to
spread the light.
A specially designed LED light can run on blink mode for 5 years,
always on mode for 2 years (I have tested it myself). I have not seen
these on any commercial sites though, these are usually custom made. See
http://tindie.com if there
are any there.
Pros: Same as LED candles.
Above: LED bucket light which uses mains
AC power. They can also be made with a cordless, battery-powered LED
These can provide enough light and some smell nice. Tall candles in a
glass jar, with a long burn time, are sold at the Dollar Tree for
They are cheap and mass produced and easy to find during normal
Some wax candles can fit into a hurricane lamp to prevent the wind
from blowing it out.
Some can burn for 100+ hours. Like the tall religious candles at the
Dollar Tree.
They can be made from beeswax or paraffin if you have it. For longer
burning time, add 10% stearic acid to paraffin by weight.
They can tip over and might cause a fire, so use a wide, heavy base,
and keep the candle away from traffic areas and out of reach of small,
curious children and pets.
When used a lot they can put a deposit of soot on your ceiling above
the candle. To fix this, use a baffle, a piece of sheet metal, above the
If the wick smokes, it's too long, trim the wick with scissors.
Wax can be hard to get out of carpet.
If a taper candle does not fit in the holder, wrap tin foil around
the bottom sides of the candle to make it wider. Or shave off wax from
the sides of the base to make it smaller.
For best burning, avoid candles that are too wide as the wicks will
make pits, which will burn too much wax and drown the flame. Use thinner
candles and when you burn them make sure to melt all the wax the whole
diameter of the candle for best results. This means do not blow out the
flame until the wax is melted all the way across the top of the candle.
A 2" wide candle is a good compromise.
A dim light could mean a wick that is too short, or a drowing wick
caused by improper burning.
Candles can be bought at dollar stores, and remelted to your custom
size and shape. But the tall skinny candles in glass work well and won't
need to be modified.
Above: Candle lantern of a good quality,
like UCO, will have a spring to push the candle up to the right height
automatically as it burns. Howerver, UCO candles are custom-sized and
expensive.Above: Here's a mug with a candle in it.
When the candle is done burning, you can use the mug. But this candle is
too wide, see hints above.
12.4 Kerosene lanterns
These run on kerosene, also called "liquid paraffin" in some
Kerosene generally not hard to find in the US.
They give a warm, golden glow with medium light.
JP8 jetfuel is a high quality kerosene. Found at airports.
The burned kerosene can have a bad odor, even the unscented kerosene
can have a faint smell which builds up over time.
They might leave soot on your ceiling if the lantern doesn't have a
The glass covers can get soot on them and reduce light output. They
must be cleaned regularly.
You have to know how to trim the wick to keep it burning
Improperly trimmed wicks may increase the bad odor.
They can spill if a pet or someone knocks it over.
Stored kerosene starts to convert to water after just a year.
Kerosene older than 2-3 years may not work very well or not at all.
Above: Kerosene lamps.
12.5 Oil lamps
These can use any cooking oil to make light. Do not make the oil dish
too deep or the oil will not travel up the wick. Before lighting, wet
the wick with oil.
Easy to make your own, if you know how to design it right.
The container must be shallow. Oil can only move up the wick so far.
Use only 1-2" deep containers.
Some oils can make your house smell like burnt oil.
They can be quite sooty.
Light is not that bright.
It can take a bit longer to light them with a match. Oil does not
light right away as it has a higher combustion temperature.
12.6 Alcohol lamp
These are lamps with a wick which use alcohol to make a flame. The
flame usually burns as a dull blue flame. Use 90% alcohol or more in
them, 70% isopropyl alcohol might work in a pinch. They come in many
sizes including the very small pocket size. These are essentially a
metal or glass container with a wick.
Alcohol easily found as methanol.
Can be used to cook food also.
Blue flame does not make much light and is hard to see especially in
the daytime.
Alcohol might leak from a container if you don't seal it
Alcohol may evaporate if the container is not sealed well.
12.7 Squeeze lights
These are lights where you squeeze a handle, to rotate a flywheel,
which charges up a battery inside. They are handy since they will
recharge as long as the battery will take a charge, and it only uses
hand power. So you can charge it up real good and let it sit and rest
for a few days. Probably not found at dollar stores anymore.
Search Amazon or Aliexpress for these now.
These are lights with a crank that you turn to charge a battery.
Some of these charge a super capacitor but most super caps are
self-discharging and it will discharge itself in about 20 minutes or so.
They are fun but really, a bit impractical.
Above: Supercap crank flashlight. Some
have radios.
13 Making charcoal
You can make charcoal out of many different organic materials, from
grass, sticks, water lilies, weeds, coconut husks, bark, or whatever you
13.1 The process
The process you use is to burn the items in a metal barrel with only
a small hole in it so gasses can escape. These gasses are flammable so
they can be redirected via a metal tube to under the metal barrel to add
heat to the process.
Burn the organic material until the flammable gasses are no longer
coming out as strong.
OPTIONAL. Pour water on the material in the barrel to stop the
burning. If you use water to put out the burning it will require time
for the charcoal to dry.
Pour the charcoal into a metal bucket. Weigh the charcoal but
exclude the weight of the bucket.
Take 10% of the charcoal weight and add that much in wheat, corn, or
tapioca flour as a binder.
Mix well into a paste.
Paste is done when you press it into your hand and it doesn't leak
water nor fall apart.
Press charcoal mix into molds. A mold with a jack is not needed,
body weight will work fine for a mold. The charcoal that comes out has
to be a little firm but not rock hard.
13.2 Charcoal mold ideas
Use 2 metal ice cube trays. Fill tray with charcoal mix, press top of
tray 1 with the other tray to compress the charcoal mix. Remove the
charcoal mix and let dry in the sun. Do not let it get wet.
14 Packing list
So what supplies do you need to have at home? Supplies are determined
by the conditions you will be in, but how do you guess what the
conditions will be? You don't, you assume the worst and prepare for
that: no heat, no water, no food at the stores, no power from the
This is not a complete guide, only a list of ideas of things you may
14.1 Water
Will you need bottles of water? How much will you need? A person
needs about 1 gallon of water (minimum) per person, every day just for
drinking. For washing plates and pots, and for washing themselves, they
will need a lot more.
Do you have a water filter? Do you know how to use it? Do you have a
source of unpolluted water? Than use that. For most people, they do not
live near an unpolluted source of water in the US unless they live FAR
away from any city, and upstream from the cities. Still, chemicals like
formaldehyde can leak out of cemetaries to poison well water too.
Melted snow can also be used as water as long as it's clean. Use a
CLEAN bucket to put snow in, bring it into the house where it's warmer,
and let it melt.
14.2 For heat
Have enough fuel for your wood stove or wood fireplace.
Dress in warm layers. Include warm hats, socks, and gloves. Wear a
hat at night if you are cold.
Have wool or down blankets for night time when temperatures could
get below freezing.
Have fuel for any other types of heaters, like alcohol heaters.
Disposable heaters work well but can be used only once. See the
section above for heat ideas.
14.3 Food
How much food do you want? How long do you want to survive? Get food
for 30 days and that will cover most cases. But make a detailed daily
list of food for each person, then multiply that by 30. Here are some
foods that are easily stored without refrigeration.
WATER! Or at least have a water filter. Gravity water filters work
well and do not need to be pumped by hand. Search for "gravity water
filter". Get one with a 0.10 micron filter for best results.
Dry meats, like jerky and dry sausage.
Dry beans and rice. Just boil to cook it. Make sure to have some
spices handy as the same beans every day gets old very fast.
Dried fruit.
Canned food. Make sure you have a can opener. Cans can be opened by
rubbing them on a flat concrete surface too.
Granola bars and similar bar food.
Peanut butter.
Spices to keep the food edible and have some variety. Plain beans
gets old real quick. Like: cajun spices, garlic salt, Lawry's salt,
other flavored salt, potassium chloride for potassium.
Chicken or other boullion for flavoring rice, beans and other
Tea, coffee, hot drinks.
Dish soap to wash dishes. It's really important to keep clean and
prevent disease.
Oxygen absorbers to keep stored food fresh. A whole new section
could be written about food storage and how to do it.
Other supplies related to food you might need:
A metal grill to put on a wood fire to cook on. Never use pine wood
to cook on, it makes the food taste horrible from the pine pitch.
Aluminum foil to put on the grill.
A grill top with smaller openings. Some grill openings between bars
are too big. Especially at public parks.
Can opener.
Church key. This punches triangular holes in a can, usually for use
with cans of liquid like liquid broth, or juice.
WARNING: Be careful cooking outside or with camping equipment, you could get
burned. Never wear rayon near a fire, it's highly flammable.
14.4 Light
Candles of various types. Make sure they are in heat-proof
Matches, lighters, etc.
Flashlights. LED flashlights have longer runtime with batteries. All
else being the same, bigger batteries provide longer runtimes.
14.5 Medical supplies
Make sure to have a supply of medical supplies like: bandaids,
hydrogen peroxide for cleaning wounds, antibiotic ointment, anti-itch
creme for bug bites, and normal prescription medicines for 30 days.
Alcohol can be used to clean wounds and sterilize instruments.
60-70% alcohol is fine for this. High proof booze is good for this but
an expensive source of alcohol.
Do you have enough vitamins? Preventing disease is really
important in a survival situation. Especially important is Vitamin D3
(10000IE per day) and Vitamin C.
Nuts like pecans, walnuts for Omega fatty acids, which help your
immune system.
Toilet paper
Bactine or anti-bacterial spray for minor cuts and scrapes.
Band aids. Will you need water proof ones?
Gauze and hypoallergenic medical tape.
14.5.1 Specific to coronavirus
General idea: treat the symptoms, drink at least 64 oz of water every
day, get lots of rest, stay away from other people, they might be
Lots of anti-cough meds for the coughing.
Meds to bring possible fever down, like aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen,
Vitamin C, zinc, Vitamin D, and echinacea to improve immune system.
Take 8000 IU of Vitamin D each morning as soon as you have symptoms of
Humidifier to ease coughing and asthma symptoms.
Asthma meds.
14.6 Entertainment
Things will get very boring with no power after a few days. What do
you have to pass any spare time? Here are some ideas.
Paper books.
An old ereader will work if you can keep it charged via solar power
or another method. E-ink ereaders use less power so the battery lasts
longer. They are black and white screens only.
Board games.
A deck of cards.
Drawing or writing paper. Lined paper is good for making lists of
things you need to make or find. Paper is also good for leaving notes
for neighbors or family.
Markers, crayons, pencils, pens, paper.
Apocalypse bingo. As you see apocalypse items around you, close the
shutter over the item. Sample items: zombies, burned out car, dead body,
smoking ruins of a building, starving sheeple, raiders, dead raider,
Any games for the kids.
Make up your own Pictionary. Have cards with a single word. Have 2
teams of at least 2 people each. One person from team 1 draws what's on
the card and the other person from team 1 has to guess what the picture
14.7 Misc
Paper products like tissues, toilet paper, maybe
paper plates, disposable silverware, disposable cups. Reuse plastic ware
as much as possible. Minimize trash. Paper with food on it cannot be
Sewing kit for repairs.
Dental floss. It's strong and can be used to tie things and mend
Tools for fixing other things like screwdrivers (flat and philips at
a minimum), hammer, pliers, wrenches.
Cash, to buy things neighbors might have?
Pocketknife. It has many uses for light cutting.
Flashlights and batteries. A solar charger for batteries is also
handy but may not work well in the winter.
Candles and matches. Things to light a cooking fire. Make sure to
have containers to keep the matches, and strikers, dry, do not rely on
paper boxes.
Bleach, for purifying water and cleaning things.
Caffeine. What form? Caffeine gum is small and portable. Tea and
coffee are light and do not need refrigeration. Some people have stomach
problems and cannot handle coffee or tea and must eat caffeine gum.
Batteries? What kinds? How many?
Candles? Matches? Tealights?
Kerosene? Gasoline?
Garbage bags, for garbage and keeping other things dry. Use the
thicker contractor grade garbage bags as they last longer.
Sharpie marker, for marking many types of surfaces from metal, to
plastic, to glass.
Zip ties. Can be used to attach things to other things so they don't
get lost. They also sell reusable zip ties.
Carbide etcher pen. This can be used to etch a code number on an
item to recover it if it was stolen, or simply to identify the item as
15 Medical help at home
Download free "Where there is no doctor". Medical advice for
primitive situations.
4x4 bandages and the tape to keep them on the person. You can use
clean, old neck ties to bind the bandages on there too in some cases.
Rope or string will put too much pressure on a small area, in
Vitamin D and zinc for the immune system.
Get a first aid book. Learn how to stop bleeding at the very
Ibuprofen and Advil (naproxen sodium) thin the blood and cause more
bleeding. Do not use if you suspect internal bleeding.
15.2 Insect bites
Put toothpaste on insect bites to relieve the itching.
To relieve poison ivy here are different tips: put apple cider
vinegar on it. Put a baking soda paste on it. Put aloe on it (do not use
a gel with alcohol). Wash with a soap with lavendar and rosemary. Try
using witch hazel.
To treat poison ivy exposure: Crush leaves of jewel weed and put on
the site as soon as you think you have had poison ivy exposure. I
normally will not say "cures instantly" unless I tried it myself, but I
tried this myself, and it does work in seconds. Jewel weed grows in the
same area as PI. That is, areas on the edge of river banks, or edge of
swamps, that tend to be moist, but not wet, and partially shady. Crushed
jewel weed leaves also treat nettle stings.
16 Radios
Attach a single wire to an FM radio antenna and run it outside your
window to a high location. This will greatly improve reception. The wire
can be enameled, coated with vinyl. Just remove the enamel or vinyl at
the point where it connects with your radio antenna, the wire must be
bare at the connection point.
17 Misc things to consider
During hard times, like in the Great Depression which started in
1929, people could not buy dog food, nor kill their dogs. So they let
them go in a park. The strongest dogs killed the weaker males, which
resulted in breeding large packs of 100-1000 dogs, and people started
being killed by these packs of dogs. Eventually the military had to be
called in to exterminate these packs of dogs they were such a huge
18 Links
18.1 Online stores to buy products
in the US
http://amazon.com. Mar
18, 2020: Amazon will now prioritize important products to ship first
like baby formula, food, etc.
https://www.sportsmansguide.com/. This used to be an
inexpensive alternative but they eventually got fairly expensive. Their
prices are the same as retail now.
Zenstoves.net. LOTS of great information on using, making stoves,
using fuel, fuel efficency, etc. It focuses on using backpacking stoves.
Youtube. Has reviews on camping and other related equipment. https://youtube.com
18.4 Misc sites
FEMA in the US. Federal Emergency Management Agency. https://ready.gov/cert.
Citizen volunteer group in the US who will tell you the real story, do
not count on the gov't to get the truth.
Where There Is No Doctor book. Free medical advice in primitive
conditions. https://hesperian.org/books-and-resources/ You can
download 25+ PDF files for free or purchase the full single PDF download
which currently costs $26.95usd.
DDG image search. Using a DuckDuckGo.com image search is also a good
way to find ideas. https://duckduckgo.com
Pinterest. Pinterest has good ideas in picture format. And if you
sign up for a free account you can save pictures in online folders. https://pinterest.com.
Survivalist Boards forum. https://www.survivalistboards.com/. Nice experienced
people to help you out and provide ideas. This forum has been around
since at least 2009.
NOTE: a Crisco or light that burns fat, may smell like burning oil,
or make lots of soot. Test one and burn it before you make too
Use a canning jar to put the Crisco in as they are heat resistant.
Other jars are not heat resistant and may break. Other jars that may
withstand heat: jelly, hot fudge for ice cream.
Never leave an open flame unattended. Do not use an open flame when
you sleep. Put at least 2-3 feet of space between the open flame and
something above it, or use the candle or flame in a candle lantern with
a metal top.
Only put candles or grease in metal or glass containers rated
for heat. Never use aluminum, it could melt! US soda cans are
aluminum and melt easily in a camp fire.
Make an oil candle. 1) Take a normal candle wick.
2) Take a METAL bottle cap. Punch a hole in the bottle cap and thread
the wick through it so the cap is upside down. The wick MUST float on
top of the oil to work. 3) Fill a jar with oil and dampen the wick with
oil. 4) Light it. It might stink but it will work.
Candle holder: Take a normal can, starting 2" from
the bottom of the can punch holes in the side. There are no holes in any
lower than this in case the candle burns quickly and fills up the can
with wax. Put a taper candle in. To stick it to the bottom, melt the wax
of the bottom of the candle and stick it in. It's ok if
taper candle may be taller than the can.
Candle baffle: A candle baffle is put above the
candle. It is made of 2 layers of metal seperated by about 1/2 inch of
space. The heat is trapped by the later closest to the candle so the
upper layer does not get too hot. A baffle will also trap any soot from
the candle so it will not build up on a surface above it. A handle can
be attached to the upper layer of the baffle and the handle should not
get too hot. Use rivets or sheet metal screws to attach the 2 parts of
metal together. Sheet metal screws are pointy and sharp to penetrate the
metal. Self-tapping metal screws will not need a hole drilled for
Candles can be made several ways. Some containers to use would be a
metal can, or glass jar rated for heat (hot fudge jars work well).
Canning jars would work fine as well as hot fudge jars or jelly jars, or
an old candle jar.
Fuel for a candle can be wax (from crayons, old candle pieces, etc),
fats (like Crisco or oil), vaseline (petroleum jelly), grease from
cooked meat, wax covers from cheese, or even butter. But do not leave
the butter out for too many days or it will go rancid and stink. Jelly
candles are made from some type of gelled oil and may have a slight bad
smell when burned. They will also produce more soot.
A candle baffle. Attach tab A to A, and B
to B with a space between the layers.
19.2.1 Securing a candle wick to
the bottom of a jar.
If you are making your own candles you must secure the wick to the
bottom of the container before pouring in the hot wax. Here are some
options for doing that.
Use silicone caulk. Make sure the caulk cures solid before putting
in oil or melted wax. This may take 3-4 hours.
Use poster putty or "sticky tack".
Use double sided foam tape.
Will superglue work?
20 Log of changes
2020-01-28. Added under "heat and warmth": disposable hand warmers,
charcoal hand warmers, electric hand warmers, catalytic hand warmers.
Updated these sections: DC Motor. Updated some image captions.
2020-02-28. Added section on generating power with Peltier elements
and heat.
2020-02-29. Reduce size of images by decreasing color depth to save