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3 History of China

  1. 402AD. Guilty officials were cut into pieces, and if their wives and children refused to eat them, they were also dismembered.
  2. 1850-1873. Taiping revolt killed from 20-100 million people.
  3. 1927-1928. Communist Chinese forces stage executions where people were dismembered. Sometimes the pieces were eaten or force-fed to the victim's families.
  4. 1927-1931. Chinese soviets kill 186,000 people in Jiangxi.

4 History of the CCP

CCP means Chinese Communist Party. Here's a little history of the CCP from the "Black Book of Communism". China had its share of revolutions also.

  1. 1949, Mao Zedong established the CCP.
  2. China killed nearly 65,000,00 of its own citizens who didn't agree with communism or were otherwise termed "undesireables".
  3. The Chinese prison system is called the "lao gai". Tens of millions of Chinese spent many years in these prison systems. About 20 million died there.
  4. 20-43 million dead due to a famine caused by one man, Mao Zedong, between 1959-1961.
  5. Mass genocide in Tibet, ongoing.
    1. About 1000 died in Tianamen square where students protested the CCP.

5 1990s

  1. 1990s. China sells baby teething rings filled with kerosene, hoping to poison Americans. China also sold crayons (which babies often eat) filled with lead to US. Documented on
  2. China put poison in dog food and baby formula to make the protein levels test higher. Many dogs died in the US and China, and a few babies died.

6 2013

  1. 2013-0908. Chinese lipsticks banned for having high lead content. Toxic brands include: Baolishi, Miss Beauty, Shijing, Ling Mei, Heng Fang, Popa Italy, L'Oreal No 209, Luoys Paris. Brain damage from lead is permanent and irreversible.

7 2018

  1. 300 million Chinese have quit the communist party.

8 2020

  1. 2020-0000. Bigclive on Youtube reviews dozens of faulty and poorly made products from China. Bigclive is also on
  2. 2020-0000. Many things made in China have fake government safety labels, like for UL labs. This is especially true in products in the Dollar Tree and other discount stores like Family Dollar.
  3. 2020-0000. Lithium batteries made in China are regularly sold with greatly exaggerated capacities. The current max capacity is 3500mah for an 18650 battery, but some Chinese 18650s claim 9999mah.
  4. 2020-0000. Chinese who practice non-violent Falun Gong arrested, tortured. CCP hates all religion.
  5. 2020-0219. Contigo water bottles, made in China, recalled for choking hazard.
  6. 2020-0301. China blamed for keeping infection quiet for coronavirus, and it spread much more.
  7. 2020-0320. COVID-19 tests made in China, shipped to WHO, have 70% error rate.
  8. 2020-0320. People in China are being forcibly quarantined, some taken to quarantine centers.
  9. 2020-0321. Someone suing #China for all damage caused by #coronavirus.
  10. 2020-0323. Banner on CCP restaurant: "Congratulations on the #epidemic in the US! We wish the epidemic in dwarf Japan will last forever and ever!" What do you think? I call it anti-humanity. Do these kinds of people have the right to protest against "racism"?
  11. 2020-0328. In China, if the children do not submit the fee for care of elderly parents, the parents are secretly killed.
  12. 2020-0328. Fake laser thermometer made in China shows wrong temperature so more Americans get sick. Fake thermometer from China
  13. 2020-0329. China no longer testing for coronavirus, so number of cases will not go up.
  14. 2020-0329. Another banner in #China reads "I love China. Fight against USA." They set off firecrackers to congratulate US getting 100,000 COVID-19 cases.
  15. 2020-0330. Chinese worker rubs his dirty feet on masks sold to non-Chinese. Click for image
  16. 2020-0330. 600,000 masks delivered to Netherlands offer no protection, many already in use.

9 From Consumer Product Safety Commission

Main CPSC recall site:

  1. 2020-0319. Lilly children's boots, made in China, recalled due to lead hazard.
  2. 2020-0319. Children's toys by Grizzly recalled due to lead paint. Manufactured in China.
  3. 2020-0724. CCP calls massive flooding "just an illusion". Many people lose their homes and will not be compensated for them.
  4. 2020-0600. Smaller dam in China overflows and is washed away by heavy rains. Dams are aging and most are over 50 years old.
  5. 2020-0700. Three Gorges dam is cracked and moving, but CCP calls this "image artifacts from Google Earth".
  6. 2020-0726. #CCP harvesting organs from Falun Gong followers while still alive. #crime #communism and

10 For more reading

  1. Nine Commentaries on Communist China. Free online book about the CCP. Also available as a PDF to read offline. More and more people are leaving CCP.
    1. Another source of Nine Commentaries, one article per post.
  2. China has history of selling dangerous products to the US.