Amazon will give priority to important things people buy, like food, paper products, and baby food so people will have enough supplies while they stay at home. So non-critical items…
Shipping container counts down 22% from same month last year, says February 2020 stats. TEUs, or Twenty-foot Equivalent Units, is the measurement used to track shipping containers. This likely accounts…
It means the ability to filter bacteria up to 3 micrometers in size. But viruses are much smaller than that. There are 1000 nanometers in one micron. ( Viruses are…
Most people that died from COVID-19 were over age 60. Most deaths of all people of all ages had pre-existing conditions. But here are more tables for you. That page…
Are you having trouble getting raw data for the COVID-19 virus? Do you want to see current cases that tested positive, or current deaths in the world? Or for the…
And masks for employees. N95 masks will not be used, they will be saved for healthcare workers. This could be interesting since Walmart has a very hard time even keeping…
From their March 24, 2020 letter to licensed prescribers and dispensers: Quote from their own PDF: Prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19 or…