Increase font size on Windows 7.

If you want to increase the font size on all things Windows then follow these instructions. In my case I’m working at home. At work I have a large monitor but at home I use Windows Remote Desktop from a small laptop screen to access my work PC. Thus the fonts, as they appear on my laptop, are extra small.

  1. Go to Control Panel, then Personalization. OR right click the desktop and choose Personalize.
  2. Click on Windows Color and Appearance.
  3. There will be a dropdown box on the lower part of the window that appears called “Items:”. Use this dropdown box to change the font for various parts of the Windows 7 user interface. You can also change the actual font, and font color and background on many items too.
  4. These are the options you will have to change the font size on: Windows Title Bar, Icon (applies to icon text), Menu, Message Box (text in popup message box), Palette Title, Selected Items, Tooltip.
  5. Click the Apply button to immediately see the font changes. Click OK when you’re done.
  6. You now have a theme called “Unsaved them”. You can rename it if you want and call it “Big Fonts” if you want.
  7. You can also change the Inactive Title Bar if you want. But I consider that optional.


  1. This does not seem to change text in tabs.
  2. It also may not play well with Office 2016+.
  3. Some items cannot be change from Remote Desktop. You must be on the actual PC to change the fonts.

Changing all fonts using scaling:

  1. Right click desktop and choose Display. You cannot do this from Remote Desktop so make sure you are at the physical PC.
  2. Choose another font scale like 125%.
  3. Click OK.
  4. This method only scales the fonts, you cannot change the font name, or make it bold or change the fore color of the font.
  5. More info:

A DDG search for you, click here.

If you know of a way or tool that will also resize the tab next, and work well with all applications, please comment below. 🙂

NOTE: Windows 7 support ended Jan 14, 2020. See this message from Microsoft.