Multiple databases for vaccine reactions.

There are multiple public databases out there to get information on vaccine reactions for COVID-19 vaccines. The US database is called VAERS. The EU also has its own database. For the US VAERS you can even download datasets locally for your own use. Get it before it becomes censored.

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2021-0214 4201 cases where COVID vaccine killed people. This is a US VAERS database so it can take 1-2 minutes to load the page. Less than 10% of adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. Pay close attention to the release date which appears to be 10-14+ days behind today’s date. Download the data yourself before it gets censored: Inside the zip file is an Access MDB file. At this site there are CSV files of the data above:

2021-0307 Official source of the Vaccine Adverse Reactions database. Look up your own data. This is pretty detailed and even shows you which vaccine caused the problem.

2021-0327 Search ESA European database for vaccine deaths and side effects. The reports for the Moderna vaccine:

2021-0415 Download the WHO mortality database with info on death rates from many causes.

2021-0513 300,000 vaccine adverse events in EU. The system is called EudraVigilance. This site tries to sugar coat the issue by saying: “The information on this website relates to suspected side effects , i.e. medical events that have been observed following the use of a medicine, but which are not necessarily related to or caused by the medicine.” And now the data is somewhere over here:

2021-0606 Open VAERS database uses data from the real US VAERS vaccine adverse reaction sytem..

2021-0622 CDC and the VAERS database is still avoiding responsibility for any reactions to the COVID-19 vax. The disclaimer on the VAERS database result says “Note: Submitting a report to VAERS does not mean that healthcare personnel or the vaccine caused or contributed to the adverse event (possible side effect).” See if you can see the note here:;jsessionid=B924B8F47676901EF2CDA882DC6F

2021-0731 OpenVaers vaccine adverse event database for US cases. As of this date there are 11,940 vaccine related deaths. It is generally estimated that only 10% of vaccine adverse reactions are reported so a reasonable number would be 119,400 deaths in the US alone, from the COVID-19 vaccine.

2021-0929 Report all vaccine injuries of under 18 people to The US VAERS database is deleting all reports from COVID-19 vaccine injuries.