CDC lists people who do not have to wear a mask.

CDC lists people who do not have to wear a mask.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: CDC says people at higher risk of COVID-19 complications do not have to wear masks. Here are the medical conditions related to that. Chronic kidney disease, COPD, immunocompromised state, BMI 30 or more, heart conditions, sickle cell disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and more.

If the store or business still doesn’t let you in, they are violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and you can sue them. If they ask you what your medical condition is, that’s a HIPAA violation and you can sue them for violation of HIPAA. In order for someone else to get your medical information, you, the patient, have to sign a waiver listing every person and agency that has the right to see your medical info.

Original source:

UPDATE: CDC has already changed that page and I didn’t grab a backup. The image of the old page is here:

Anyone know how to print this tall image on multiple sheets of paper?

ABC says, on July 20, 2020, that people with a mental illness like anxiety disorders, do not have to wear a mask because a mask might “cause distress”. From

Or get an exemption from your doctor. You may not get one, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

CDC says Children under age 2 do not have to wear a face mask. And this CDC page further says:

  • People should not wear cloth face coverings while engaged in activities that may cause the cloth face covering to become wet, like when swimming at the beach or pool.
  • People who are engaged in high intensity activities, like running, may not be able to wear a cloth face covering if it causes difficulty breathing.
  • People who work in a setting where cloth face coverings may increase the risk of heat-related illness or cause safety concerns due to introduction of a hazard (for instance, straps getting caught in machinery) may consult with an occupational safety and health professional to determine the appropriate face covering for their setting.