Here’s a graph dated Apr 13, 2020 of daily new cases. It appears for now cases have hit a plateau. They will likely go down from this point.

And another graph showing percent of deaths by comorbidity, i.e.out of all cases, most people who died had another pre-existing condition. Cardiovascular disease would include high blood pressure and a some other conditions.

There are some more interesting graphs here:
There are other graphs at but raw cases per country completely ignores the population of a country. What is more telling is the number of cases per million population. The US is not even in the top 20 of countries in cases per million. You can go to this link, then sort by “Tot cases/1M pop”. Click the header once, then again to sort by cases per 1M population in descending order.
There are problems with the numbers though. We don’t know how accurate China’s numbers are, they are probably much higher than stated, and China has quit testing for SARS-COV-2 to pretend it doesn’t exist anymore. And the numbers only represent the cases that had a positive test, the numbers completely ignore people who had a negative test (the test error rates go from 30-70%) or the ones who had a mild case and never got tested in the first place. Actual cases are at least 10x the positive test results that are being reported, which would force down the death rate by a factor of 10.
To see various death rates by different scenarios see this spreadsheet on Google Drive and see the tab called “Mortality rates”. This spreadsheet also compares illness rate and death rates of normal flu for 2019-2020, flu for other years, MERS, SARS, and other illnesses like the Spanish Flu of 1918.