More defective products from China, like fake masks.

  1. Woman shows surgical masks with dead fly on them, made in China. Video.
  2. CCP infecting masks made in China. Video.
  3. More masks made in China do not protect from anything. Video.
  4. Guys test Chinese-made masks which do not work. Video.
  5. Another lady tests a fake Chinese mask by wearing a mask and blowing out a flame from a lighter. Video.
  6. Masks being made are thrown on floor. These are not sterile and should not be used for surgery. Video.
  7. How to test a mask. Video.
  8. Surgical gowns from China fall apart just through normal handling. Video.
  9. More toxic products from China meant to harm.

NOTE: An N95 mask must contain a static layer between 2 layers of material that are waterproof, as the water will remove the static charge from the charged layer. So you can test the outer layers for being waterproof by spraying water on them. If the water balls up, the layer is waterproof, if the outer layer gets wet, it is not waterproof and the static is removed from the middle layer rendering the mask useless.

You can also test for a charged layer by lighting a match or candle, and blowing it out and let the smoke go towards the mask. Is the smoke drawn to the mask? If yes then the mask has a charged layer.

While homemade masks can stop some water particles, they often will not stop all the microscopic water particles the virus travels on, and thus are not the best type of mask.