14yo boy dies of coronavirus, study

Children & #Covid19: Timely study published online by Pediatrics, the AAP’s journal. It reports a single death of a child in 2,143 pediatric cases of Covid-19. The child was a 14 yo boy. It has been previously known that a teen had died; no word if he had other illnesses.

The paper, from China, has a lot of good data on kids & #Covid19. More than 90% of children, for instance, have asymptomatic, mild or moderate infection. Only 5.9% of children had severe or critical illness, compared to about 20% in adults. This illness is a bit easier on kids.

PDF: https://t.co/1h0HWzcaW8?amp=1, alt link: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2020/03/16/peds.2020-0702.full.pdf

Tweet: https://twitter.com/HelenBranswell/status/1239623123626086403?s=20

Dong Y, Mo X, Hu Y, et al. Epidemiological characteristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-0702.