Brief history of Democratic party, Table of Contents
The racism and hate from the Democratic party continues today, with racist comments by Joe Biden being against bussing of blacks, all BLM donations going to whites (except the BLM cofounder got 3 mansions out of the donations), and much more. See the real racist history of Democrats.
1 Preface
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2 Brief history of the Democratic Party
You can tell by their actions what their values really are.
Get the real history of the Democrats. 50+ data points! Permanent link:
In the 1860s the Southern US was over 90% Democrat. The majority of their economy was agricultural, based on slave labor.
In the 1860s there was no political party that would fight against slavery in a serious manner, so the Republicans were created to be against slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president.
Democrats fought a Civil War so they could hold slaves, but they try to spin it as "states rights". Well it was about states rights too, the right for (southern Democrat) states to decide to hold slaves, because their economy was based on free slave labor. But public school history books have been sanitized to remove certain inconvenient facts about Democrat involvement in slavery. I watched this myself around 1982 when we got a new school history book the following year, it was missing some important details about Democrats.
Tammany Hall. Tammany Hall was a New York City political organization that endured for nearly two centuries. Formed in 1789 in opposition to the Federalist Party, its leadership often mirrored that of the local Democratic Party’s executive committee. Although its popularity stemmed from a willingness to help the city’s poor and immigrant populations, Tammany Hall became known for charges of corruption levied against leaders such as William M. “Boss” Tweed. It's Democrats linked to corruption yet again.
In 1865 after Democrats lost the Civil War, the KKK was founded in the highly Democratic south, in Pulaski, Tennessee. After just a few years of KKK violence and lynchings, in 1871 there were congressional hearings on the KKK and it was disbanded. 1871 Congressional hearings on Democrat violence:
1960s: Democrats vote against all major Civil Rights acts. Both Republican whites and blacks were killed by the Democrat KKK during civil rights demonstrations.
Since Democrats were losing the war against blacks, they created a welfare system, or "welfare plantation", to make sure blacks and other minorities didn't get job skills, instead they got free money, free housing, and free food to keep them down. The welfare plantation was very successful. Free cash does not bring out out of poverty, skills do.
1980s. Democrats started taking control of school history books to try to hide their past and current bigotry and hate and promote their own manufactured narrative of hating white people. Our old social studies book, when it talked about the Civil war, said things like "The South was mostly Democrat" and "the Democratic South wanted the right to hold slaves". That "South was mostly Democrat" was removed, and the second sentence was replaced with "the South wanted to fight for states rights." Can you see how subtle the change is and how most people would miss the significance? I saw this school book change myself.
In the 1990s, Democrat-controlled BATF shot a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge, because reasons. The BATF during the Clinton years also had men, women and children trapped in a bus buried underground in a barn in Waco, Texas. So the BATF set the barn on fire and killed them all. Also under Democrat Bill Clinton, the EPA declared a 2 ft wide ditch a "navigable waterway" to reduce farmland that farmers could use.
1990s. Hillary Clinton, not an elected official, but as the wife of the president, tried to take over all medical care and force through socialized healthcare with her own secret meetings.
1990s. Bill Clinton took cash from Chinese nationals for his election fund. This is illegal in the US. The Chinese national was John Huang but Huang (pronounced "wong") is sometimes spelled differently.
1990s. Hillary Clinton fired all Whitehouse travel employees to install her own friends. This was called Travelgate.
1990s. A secret service agent who worked in the Whitehouse during the Clinton years said Hillary put dildos on their private Whitehouse christmas tree and mocked Christians.
1990s. Hillary workers were found shredding documents related to several of her scandals. This was called Shreddergate.
2000s. In one of her earliest books Hillary reported that blacks were "emotional retards", she had black servants.
2000s When Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State she is accused of selling $29 billion in weapons to Clinton Foundation donors, and using an unsecured private email server (which violates federal rules).
2000s Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, ran an unsecured email server in order to sell national secrets to China.
2010s. Democrats begin removing Civil War statues so people would forget how Democrats fought a Civil War in support of slavery.
Democrats want socialism and communism so they can kill their opponents, because Democrats are the party of hate. Just read a little history on socialism, history is very clear on this. See "Black book of communism" which has examples of socialistic and communistic mass murders.
March 2010. Obamacare, also called Affordable Care Act, was passed. Premiums citizens would have to pay started low but within 3 years went up 300%. The Obamacare taxes were so high that people with full time jobs with SOME healthcare, lost their jobs and became contractors with NO health care. This is why we had a big increase in contractor jobs with companies like Lyft. Obamacare even had a "belly button tax" charged for every employee an employer had. Several other taxes went up and new taxes were made for an unsustainable program. Most people could not afford Obamacare because premiums were so high, and a full ride (premiums paid in full by the gov't) were very rare. Do you actually know someone who had Obamacare?
2014. Reddit, a liberal site of "peace", purges and deletes many conservative groups out of sheer hatred for people who are different.
2016. Antifa group starts riots at the Trump inauguration, smashing glass from businesses, and burning a limo from an immigrant. Antifa gets funding from many NGOs that are linked to George Soros.
2016. Seth Rich, a DNC IT administrator, is killed because he knew all the Democrat's secrets and was going to expose them.
2017. It comes out that Hillary's Clinton Foundation is involved in selling sex slaves in Haiti. A woman is the top operator of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and she is arrested.
2017. News reports that Anthony Weiner, another Democrat, has a video of Hillary Clinton cutting the face off a girl and laughing and dancing around with the "face mask". The video is called "Insurance". Weiner's laptop is confiscated and when police view the content, they get physically sick.
2018. A petition went around very liberal Berkeley University to put all conservatives in prison.
2019. DNC operatives deplatform Gab and 8chan multiple times for exposing Democrat scandals.
2020. Top Democrats, like Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi, involved with Chinese spies to sell US national secrets to the Chinese. A known Chinese spy is actually Feinstein's driver!
2020-0314. Democrat leaders declare COVID-19 a pandemic by creating fake cases and relabeling deaths as being from COVID-19. This shuts down nearly all small business. 99.7% of Americans work for small business.
2020-0531. Liberal leaders tell police to shut down "drive in churches" while riots, destruction of private property, and looting go unabated.
2020-0531. Riots begin in major liberal cities after George Floyd's death. He had been arrested 9 times, and held a pregnant woman hostaged and asked her "Do you want me to kill your baby?" as he pointed a gun at her belly. Now he's a martyr. This is who Democrats idolize, and these are the real Democrat values.
2020-0531. China paying for Biden center. Biden tries to hide the gift. #Biden #China #CCP
2020-0600. All donations to BLM go right to white Democrat politicians. Not a single dollar goes to help black people. The BLM website used for donations is the same one used for the DNC:
2020-0600. Democrat Antifa vandalizes Abraham Lincoln statue, sending the message that slavery is ok.
2020-0600. Democrat Antifa group officially declared a terrorist group.
2020-0600. Black Lives Matter asks for donations, and all the money goes to white politicians via ActBlue. It's the DNC doing more money-laundering. BLM in Scotland posting signs that say "Hang whitey" and "Kill whitey", and beating up white people. From
2020-0622. Direct news right from the source. We live in Michigan. We have a Socialist Democrat governor who tried to shut down all small business. (99.7% of all American people are employed by small business. The Democrat governor Whitmer is sending absentee (mail-in) ballot applications to people who don't even live in Michigan anymore. My wife's sister has lived in another state for at least 6 years and she got a Michigan absentee ballot application. Both of us also got absentee ballots even though we never asked for one. Mail-in ballots will allow Democrat workers to discard Trump votes and substitute their own ballot, with your name on it, printed in China. #voterfraud
2021-0519. Racist Chicago mayor Lightfoot only grants interviews to black or brown people. Due to Democrat policy, Chicago has one of the highest crime rates per capita in the US.
3 General tips
Democrats are against any job training programs, but vote for putting minorities on the welfare plantation instead.
4 Some images related to the Democrats
Birds of a feather, flock together.
Above: Biden has close ties to KKK state leader ByrdAbove: Hillary has close ties to KKK Grand Dragon Byrd.Above: Democrats mostly voted to keep slavery.Above: Hillary Clinton, a devoted Democrat, said KKK leader is "heart and soul" of America. That says a lot about Democrat values.Above: A bit about Democrat and KKK racist Robert Byrd.Above: And compare the first black senators, Republican vs Democrat. Why didn't a black Democrat senator get elected earlier? Because Democrats are STILL racist.Above: Democrat shootingsAbove: What Democrat Antifa thinks of shooting Republican Steve Scalise. The shooter supported Bernie Sanders, a sociaalist.Above: Democrats don't care if you lose your job.Above: Nancy Pelosi supports fascism.Above: Why George Floyd died.
4.1 Dem's and the racist ok symbol
Above: Democrats flash the racist OK symbol.Above: Democrats flash the racist signal againAbove: Democrats flash the racist signal yet again
"I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride, is a rejection of the entire black awareness concept, where black is beautiful, black culture should be studied and the cultural awareness of the importance of their own identity."
In 1975, Biden bragged about his friendship with virulent racist and segregationist George Wallace, about how much Wallace liked him, and said that Democrats need another George Wallace, just a more liberal one.
Also in 1988, and on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Biden praised segregationist Sen. John Stennis (D-MS) as a “man of character,” even after the Democrat sought to oppose Brown v. Board of Education with something called The Southern Manifesto. In fact, Biden has even bragged about Stennis gifting him with the table the Southern Manifesto was signed on.
In 2006, this is what Biden said about 7-Eleven clerks: “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
Here’s Biden’s revealing comments about his opinion of black people, not in 1957 or 1967, but in 2007. He’s speaking of Barack Obama: “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (Biden means, blacks were not articulate before Barack Obama, which is a racist statement.)
As vice president in 2014, Biden was still using the term “Orient” to describe Asia. That same year, Biden used the antisemitic term “shylock”.
Just this year (2019), Biden has been running around praising Democrat segregationists.
And just Thursday, less than 24 hours ago, Biden actually said that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” — as though white kids are the ideal when it comes to IQ.
It was more than four decades ago as a battle raged across the country — and in Congress — over sending white students to majority-black schools and black students to majority-white schools often far away from their own neighborhoods. Biden forcefully opposed the government’s role in trying to integrate schools, saying he favored desegregation, but believed busing did not achieve equal opportunity.
Mid-1950s Biden wrote about a bill against bussing Blacks: "My bill strikes at the heart of the injustice of court-ordered busing. It prohibits the federal courts from disrupting our educational system in the name of the constitution where there is no evidence that the governmental officials intended to discriminate," Biden wrote to fellow senators on March 25, 1977. "I believe there is a growing sentiment in the Congress to curb unnecessary busing." Biden, who at the time was 34 and serving his first term in the Senate, repeatedly asked for — and received — the support of Sen. James Eastland, a Mississippi Democrat and chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a leading symbol of Southern resistance to desegregation. Eastland frequently spoke of blacks as "an inferior race."
1977. Biden wrote on June 30, 1977. "I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote."
1977. Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies would cause his children to grow up 'in a racial jungle' He then said: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."
2016-1200 At a Christmas party where Secret Service was invited, Joe Biden got behind a girlfriend of an agent, grabbed her breasts, and was grinding against her. In Michigan this is against the law. Democrats support Biden and his actions.
2020-1017 This video from China reports: #CCP has video tapes of Hun/ter having sex with small girls. There are 3 hard drives that Trr/ump has: 1) videos of Hun/ter and little girls, 2) Xi's hidden money in other countries, 3) Bi/den taking bribes via Burisma natural gas in Kaz/akhstan and Uk/raine. C.CP controls Joe B1den.
2021-0303 The Civil War was about Democrats being for state rights so they could hold slaves, and now Biden shames states rights in an opening salvo to remove all state rights and take complete control of the US, bypassing congress with EOs.
2021-0318 Biden calls Putin "a killer". Putin responds "It takes one to know one." Oh snap! Puten challenges sleepy Joe to a debate, Joe cowers in the corner. You know Biden is so hated when Americans root for the Russians. Before this Russia pulled its ambassador to the US.
2021-0323 Bidden tries to close small business, but not the borders. Influx of illegal immigrants is higher than ever, to be used to vote for Democrats. The shutdown is not about protecting people.
2021-0424 Ten states are suing President Joe Biden for an executive order he signed in January to help address the climate crisis. They say it sacrifices American jobs and burdens the public.
2021-0504 BUSTED! Huge News in Michigan. Video clearly shows computer results of 2020 presidential election were fraudulent in Michigan. They put in 6 test ballots, results that printed out of the vote scanning machine were totally different in favor of Bliden.
2021-0510 Mexico President Accuses Biden Admin Of Financing Anti-Corruption 'Coup Plotters' Group. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has lambasted the Biden administration for U.S. financing of an anti-corruption group in the country after a bilateral meeting with Vice President Harris on Friday. Obrador alleged that the U.S. is financially supporting a group called Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity, a group of “coup plotters” that he claims are trying to undermine and overthrow the government.
2021-0511 The number of illegal unaccompanied minors arriving under Biden continues to shatter all precedent. 17,171 arrived in April. Minors on their own makes them much more likely to be victiminzed by sexual predators, which is what Dems want. To contextualize, during the 2014 UAC surge the peak month was 10,631. Biden's March & April UAC #'s are both (way) higher than any other month ever recorded.
2021-0603 Biden, China, the energy industry, COVID-19, all have a purpose. The different concepts are put together here like a puzzle, revealing a disturbing picture. If you control a nation's energy, turn it off, and they can no longer do business. All business stops.
2021-0607 One of Biden's greatest achievements is: giving out free, faceless Kamala cookies. This is how Biden intends to fix major issues like poverty, hunger, homelessness, loss of jobs, high taxation... with cookies.
2021-0616 Joe Biden Snaps At CNN Reporter Kaitlan Collins: "Where the hell, what do you do all the time". Collins asked Biden about Putin: "Why are you so confidant he'll change his behavior, Mr. President?" Biden answered: "I'm not confident. Where he hell--what do you do all the time? When did I say I was confident? I said…let's get it straight…." Remember, in a video before the 2020 election, Biden made it very clear that he doesn't work for the voters.
2021-0618 Doctor Ronny Jackson Calls For Biden To Have Cognitive Testing Done. The man who used to be the White House doctor for former President Obama, who has now become a congressman, has serious concerns about the cognitive ability of Joe Biden and he wants to have it checked.